marconelly! said:Timesplitters 3 does run at 60, but it looks a lot worse than KZ, in my opinion - so I guess it's some kind of tradeoff... Black will be released almost a year after KZ so that's hardly an actual competition.and framerate was under 30 as well, which is bad in the land of Black and Timesplitters 3
If the beta of black runs at 60fps, it is a shem for the almost finished Killzone. Anyway, the media hyping Black are the same that hyped Killzone 6months ago (as the most impressive ps2 game yet).
What also surprised me is that most people agreed that Burnout 3 looks better, and is more fun than Outrun 2, and that it looks pretty much equal on PS2 and Xbox. Apparently EA's production quality + Criterion's coding is a real winning combination.
Sega (and Namco) are not the 3D powerhouse they used to be. 5 years ago, nobody could have match them in the west.