Any Killzone impressions yet?

Why is there engine noise and what sounds like a rotating saw going in the background...? Isn't it supposed to be a computer games show and not a construction site? Weird.
Guden Oden said:
Why is there engine noise and what sounds like a rotating saw going in the background...? Isn't it supposed to be a computer games show and not a construction site? Weird.

They may have grabbed it on Tuesday when the floor is actually one giant construction site spread out amongst a ton of booths.
From Penny Arcade

Killzone: Honestly, I don't know what the big deal is. Going by current release dates, Killzone itself will launch a week after Halo 2 - honestly, I'd just stop development right now. I've played both, networked and all, and Killzone doesn't even rank Little Brother status. There was some nice geometry, but it wasn't even "Nice Geometry" - it was just better and faster than I expected on the Playstation 2. It's like when you see an old man hobble over to the mailbox all by himself. Getting the mail is no herculean act. And there is nothing startling or noteworthy about Killzone.
I have heard several impressions of people who either write for magazines, websites or are trustworthy in general, and they mostly agreed that the game looked very nice, that AI had still to be worked on, that it had great atmosphere in the single player mode, as well as gun handling, but that online multiplayer was all laggy and unfinished and buggy (one of them even had a developer apologizing to him for the very unfinished online code, when his PS2 crashed, and told him that single player mode in the demo is way more developed at this point, and more represenative of what will be in the final game)

What's funny though - is that another PS2 FPS shooter called Black (made by Criterion) got much of an attention, even to the point that Greg Kasavin on Gamespot told it was basically the most impressive game he's seen on the show. They are not allowed to show anything about the game yet, though.
marconelly! said:
I have heard several impressions of people who either write for magazines, websites or are trustworthy in general, and they mostly agreed that the game looked very nice, that AI had still to be worked on, that it had great atmosphere in the single player mode, as well as gun handling, but that online multiplayer was all laggy and unfinished and buggy

and framerate was under 30 as well, which is bad in the land of Black and Timesplitters 3

What's funny though - is that another PS2 FPS shooter called Black (made by Criterion) got much of an attention, even to the point that Greg Kasavin on Gamespot told it was basically the most impressive game he's seen on the show.

More like the most impressive "PS2" game of the show, but yes, it should be an impressive game.
... yeah, especially since the initial target was 60 fps.

Sadly, I'll have to say here as I have said so in PGR2 and HALO threads - this game at 30 or less is a *huge* disappointment anyway you put it. Meh! :( Why can't devs just aim at a framerate and downgrade if needs to be to hit that target?

BTW: that Criterion FPS sounds incredible from what I've heard. The demo was already more fun than nearly finished *games* on the floor. Not bad.
More like the most impressive "PS2" game of the show, but yes, it should be an impressive game.
Well, I haven't seen it myself, and have no idea what's it about, but that was what the guy said - he even went to add - "Yes, that includes Halo 2 and Half Life 2" I honestly though it was a bit weird coming from him, as he's one reviewer that I can't remember seeing being genuinly impressed with something.

and framerate was under 30 as well, which is bad in the land of Black and Timesplitters 3
Timesplitters 3 does run at 60, but it looks a lot worse than KZ, in my opinion - so I guess it's some kind of tradeoff... Black will be released almost a year after KZ so that's hardly an actual competition.

What also surprised me is that most people agreed that Burnout 3 looks better, and is more fun than Outrun 2, and that it looks pretty much equal on PS2 and Xbox. Apparently EA's production quality + Criterion's coding is a real winning combination.

Corrected the links. For some reason, a site saying "unavailable" will apear. Re-click the link on that side and the movie should open. I tested them all and it worked for me. Sorry about that! 8)