Lookie here, from someone respected in this boards ->>>> http://forums.gaming-age.com/showthread.php?s=64398c9fc3fe5731fb775af51e900adf&threadid=40176
I can do a list for Sony too.
I can do a list for Sony too.
chaphack said:Like i siad, it depends on the thread starter and topic(more specifically console) brought up. If it was chap, who glorified MS efforts(as those who glorified Sony's) and criticised Sony(as those who criticised MS/Nintendo), it be unacceptable here.
Anyway, i know this topic is not that "nice", but i am just venting about the double standards around.
your well respected Sony tech guru, pana, did is pretty much doing the same thing.
pana, did is pretty much doing the same thing.
If it was chap, who glorified MS efforts(as those who glorified Sony's) and criticised Sony(as those who criticised MS/Nintendo), it be unacceptable here.
Anyway, i know this topic is not that "nice", but i am just venting about the double standards around.
I don't think it's so much a double standard, as you just simply do a weak job of defending your stance...
chaphack said:I am sure this topic is gonna get locked, so i just say something about "ps2 gfx suckks 10 page" thing.
For most part, it becomes that large is due to me defending the other systems. Of course there are some snappy jokingly comments made that other posters fail to see the light, but usually it is the case of not wanting to reason with my defence(SC2/GT4 maxxed out PS2! No it is not! But the devs said so! But i dont feel so! What PsHype are you speaking of? Give examples. Oh thats not what they meant you silly troll! But you wanted examples. etc) rather than me "trolling" to a 10 page thread.