AnandTech on XB360 & NV GPUs for HD DVD


Mostly Harmless

It seems they have a bit of a crush on HD DVD on the XB360.

Those who don't want to take a chance on their PC being able to play HD-DVDs can at least rely on their Xbox 360 for that. The drive combined with the remote provided a very simple and easy to use experience. The Xbox 360 handled playing back HD-DVD movies as well as any consumer electronics device could be expected.
Cool read and I still seeing the HD-DVD on-one selling well as every time I go into my local Best Buy they are out of stock. Clerk always says the same thing: "a few came in but they are gone now". Which is a good thing as if they did find one, I'd be awefully tempted in getting it :p
From playing around with a friends add-on, it's very good. The PQ easily rivals my HD-A1 and it seems to have much better error correction (hate to admit that!) along with faster loading and response times. With the upcoming DTS @ 1.5mbps audio updae coming, the audiophiles should be pleased as well.
I'm very happy with mine. It's an incredably inexpensive way to get into Hi-Def original source material. If HD-DVD dies, then I haven't lost too much investment either.
The "investment" for some of us would be in media more than the player.

Tho I'm still fidgeting. One day I'm just going to go AIIIIEEE!!! I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE! and run out and do something about some HD player or other.
Sweet Lord, just put a PS3 and a 360 + addon under your giant TV already! :LOL:
And the day my wife says that to me I likely will! :LOL: She hasn't been worn down yet by my fidgeting on the matter, but that day will come! ;)
The "investment" for some of us would be in media more than the player.

but it's not like the 360 add-on wouldn't be able to carry on playing the discs after the format war is over (if it either does resolve to one format)
Cool read and I still seeing the HD-DVD on-one selling well as every time I go into my local Best Buy they are out of stock. Clerk always says the same thing: "a few came in but they are gone now". Which is a good thing as if they did find one, I'd be awefully tempted in getting it :p

they are in stock all over if you order one, in store pickup is a bit harder, but i dont live in a big city, and the local mall, the only one in this town, has like 4 stores with stock on the shelves, just a few, but even when they dont have them on the shelves, you can order them from their site, i am speaking of Gamestop/EB Games in particular

thanks for the info. I figured if I really would want one I could order it. Now its just an gee it would be nice to have as i do have some extra cash and time over the holiday break :)