When Anand posted his 8500 preview, he was right in-line with practically everybody else: ATI has their work cut out on the driver front.
This is from his August preview.
First off, although we don't always see things the same way I definitely agree with Tom on his statements that ATI should not have chose to present the Radeon 8500 this soon. Even had NVIDIA not released their Detonator 4 drivers earlier than expected, the Radeon 8500 was in no shape to be evaluated at all. The drivers were buggy and they lacked support for the full Radeon 8500 feature set. Although it's definitely interesting to see what the Radeon 8500 can do, ATI should be very worried that too many of you will get the wrong idea about the product. All I can do is present you with the picture as I see it.
You can go right down the line, and find virtually all websites who received 8500 samples making the same conclusion.
Then, he did a full review in October...
This brings us to the question of exactly how "final" the Radeon 8500's drivers are. ATI has already stated on numerous occasions that they will continue to improve the Radeon 8500's drivers and with each step they will get closer to their goal of extracting every ounce of performance out of the R200 chip. But how long will it take? It won't be a week, not a month, and maybe not even a full quarter before we see the Radeon 8500 running at its full potential. And when the day comes that it is running as fast as it can without any drivers holding it back, what will NVIDIA be doing? You better believe that NVIDIA isn't sitting around idle while the Radeon 8500 begins to encroach on their territory.
Where is the lack of objectivity? He was totally on the ball...
Fast forward to mid-November...ATI releases better drivers, and this is what he had to say:
The inclusion of SMOOTHVISION proves that the technology is superior to anything else we've seen out there on both a performance quality level. Unfortunately the drivers aren't flawless and there still are random bugs. While ATI has done their best to list any incompatible games or other scenarios in the driver release notes, they can't change the reality of not being able to test on every person's system. The drivers are still not up to par with NVIDIA's Detonator series from a stability standpoint but it's good to see ATI actively addressing their problems.
Again, he cannot possibly hide the fact that the driver situation was still dicey, even in November...and this was a card that had already been released for a couple of months.
Although not specific to the 8500/drivers, Anand had this to say about the AIW roundup:
Because of the lower price point and overall great bang for your buck, ATI is the first to win our Editor's Choice Gold Award for a TV/video capture graphics card with the All-in-Wonder Radeon 8500DV.
If you were to browse all of his R200 previews/reviews, I don't think you can possibly fault him for lack of objectivity. About the only thing he didn't do was, possibly, doing some sort of a "this is where things stand with the latest drivers" type article...