Vince... he meant that they didn't shut out ATI for the GCN and GCN 2 deals, they won't shut out nVIDIA...
Panajev2001a said:Vince... he meant that they didn't shut out ATI for the GCN and GCN 2 deals, they won't shut out nVIDIA...
Panajev2001a said:Zurich... what about ATI and the deal for GCN 2 ?
Remember Glide?
Vince said:zurich said:Remember Glide?
With all due respect, thats really not a fair comparason as 3dfx and nVidia are worlds apart in their market position, developer relations, design ability, employee retention, et al...
PSX and N64 both had MIPS cores. r3400i and r4300i, respectively.
And final note: To everyone saying "OH X COMPANY WILL SHUT OUT Y MANUFACTURER BECAUSE THEY'RE MAKING A CHIP FOR Z COMPETITOR'S CONSOLE" need to look back a little bit.
archie4oz said:This I can agree with you on. Besides people forget that companies can and do compete in one sector and partner up in another all the time. Some people forget that while Sony and MS compete in consoles, Sony is also a rather large Windows customer for MS (not only in hardware sales but also for corporate operations).
megadrive0088 said:Deepak - MS has the following graphics options assuming Nv is out, which they are not, yet.
their own IP from 3DO M2/MX and Talisman(?)
Bitboys (j/k!)
perhaps more that I'm not aware of. maybe some frankanstine combination of the above
Tagrineth said:archie4oz said:This I can agree with you on. Besides people forget that companies can and do compete in one sector and partner up in another all the time. Some people forget that while Sony and MS compete in consoles, Sony is also a rather large Windows customer for MS (not only in hardware sales but also for corporate operations).
I didn't even think of this one. I can see it now:
Sony may be forced to sell PC's based on Windows competitor Linux
Microsoft, in a stunning decision today, chose to cancel all Windows licenses and sales to Sony. Microsoft was quoted as saying "Ha! Eat that, Sony! You may have Xbox beat with PS2, and you may well beat our Xbox Next with your PS3...but we WILL have the last laugh! Just wait and see what your PC sales will be like without Windows!"
Jabjabs said:Personally, I'm still not sure, I mean the comments about "PS3 being a mirrical machine" can be seen two ways, one as indication of working with PS3 and two as a way of getting MS backon thier side throuhg fear.
But the million dollar question is whether anyone apart from NV/ATI can design and produce anything competetive with CELL??? And even if they have resources do they have enough time??
zurich said:What I meant was that if NVIDIA did help out SCE, they'd risk Microsoft shutting them out of DX10/11/12 R&D talks.