You should really search for other Japan made "Master/slave" games, really disturbing stuff and it seems like something quite normal over there. I saw once a documentary about his stuff in Japan and how it was quite normal for people to read magazines with this stuff in the subways going to their work... caramba!
Well I dont think reading that stuff is that bad, its a bit distrubing to say the least but I think its better to have people open minded and accepting this sort of things than a whole country going bezerk over a nipple on tv and goes shut up shut up whenever you talk about sex acting like its someting bad. If they like this stuff who cares as long as they're not bothering anyone with it.
The Japs are disturbingly weird at times, especially the Hentai stuff.
Something Awful writes pretty amusing reviews of these Hentai games but they certainly make you wonder what's happening in the Japanese Male Psyche.
I've seen a bunch of documentary's about sex & japan (there's one from the BBC that shouldnt be to hard to find on the net) and it seems to be that they like younger girls with the high pitched voiced and the immature looks and all. Apperantly you got this shops that sell Idol magazines and the majority of sales seem to come from 10/14 year old girls in your not so average bathingsuit poses (docu:
Were we want girls/woman look sexy they want them to look cute. That BBC docu also has some Jap. Prof. telling that Japanese males are afraid of adult woman and thats why you have that lolita complex thing in Japan with guys digging young girls. Males there seem to thing as woman more of a object instead of a person, apperantly its also very common and accepted that saleryman visit prostitues in their lunchhour.
Well I wouldnt know if thats all really true but their porn movies sure as hell are alot better than western ones