Well, he reported he had explicit confirmation from AMD. I don't think he'd lie about it, being the Editor-in-chief of anandtech.com, not some cheesy random blog.
Well, haha, if you ask if there's official confirmation that a piece of hardware isn't working right, and someone replies, "yes, here is a quote from a reputable website editor, which says nothing about the hardware working right or not", would you consider the question answered?
No disrespect to Anandtech's editors, but they're not AMD spokespeople. (Would be worrysome if that was the case!

) Also, the quote did not actually confirm the hardware isn't working as intended. It just said it's not working right now. So its status is up in the air. And again to reiterate, I asked if there was official confirmation that it wasn't working right.
If that's not good enough for you, I guess we have to agree to disagree upon this.
No need to get snippy! I was just asking if you had an official quote, answering "no" would have been sufficient.
The logic you were supposed to do is as follows: If PS not enabled in the drivers, Vega is not working as designed - because the design includes PS. Nowhere does this imply or deny that the feature is broken in hardware, just that Vega is currently not working as designed.
That's not logic though, that's a lingual song and a dance. If you state that a product isn't working as intended, and just leave it like that, the obvious implication is that it IS broken, because that's how english works.
If you just mean that a feature isn't implemented
right now, then you merely say so.
Oh my God, I remember that catastrophe vividly. Damn, why ain't Raj somewhere flipping burgers?
I don't see how it would be his fault. It's company leadership who have to authorize a respin, and they in all probability said, "fuck it, we'll ship it as it is, we're not spending any more money." (Or other words to the same effect.

One could perhaps blame Raja for him and his team designing a broken T&L unit in the first place, but that would place an impossible standard on the man. If you're not allowed to screw up ever, then nobody is qualified for any leadership position in hardware design.