AMD ratings...


As I know, Semprom ratings are intended to compare it with a similar Celeron in Mhz.

Athlon 64 and XP have different ratings. But... is an Athlon 64 3200+ comparable to an Athlon XP 3200+?? Are these ratings compatible??

Also, when you have a look at a X2 Athlon 64, you get that 3800+ is the same core as 3000+ Athlon 64 single core. So, in apps with low TLP, you will have a 3000+. And that is bad, considering the prize. But in apps woth a high TLP, you could get even much more than 3800+ (for example, divx 6.1 compression uses both cores, and thus, results in an unbeteable performance by a single core).

Am I wrong in any thing I said??
thank you
Those are just rough estimates and don't really say that much. An example I can tell you is that Athlon64 3000+ wipes the floor with the XP3000+ big time.
Here's a techreport article that features an Xp 2500+ and a 3200+ and some a64 and P4 systems.
It's safe to say that the A64 slaughters the XP in just about everything, bar a few apps that don't care about the advances of the A64 and just care about clock speed.
And X2 ratings aren't really accurate in respect to singlecore cpus, a 3800+ X2 will utterly destroy the singlecore 4000+ even in applications which take advantage of it.. i.e media but games don't really care.
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And X2 ratings aren't really accurate in respect to singlecore cpus, a 3800+ X2 will utterly destroy the singlecore 4000+ even in applications which take advantage of it.. i.e media but games don't really care.

What do you mean? I don't think I got you
Most games run on just one core, so the double-core doesn't give you any gains since the games mostly don't use the second core. That is about to change with the new generation of games, though.
But, as far as I'm concerned.. HTT is locked at 800MHz, while an Athlon 64 can change that. Is my information wrong??
Well the multiplyer is locked on the A64s but you can still overclock them all you want, but turions aren't very good at overclocking, they're optimized for low power, not high clock speeds like the A64s.
Turion will have pretty much exactly the same performance as a standard Athlon 64 with the same clock speed/amount of cache.

But, according to what I read, and Athlon 64 X2 has same performance as a Core Duo at same clock speed.
But, Turion X2 has lower performance than a Core Duo at same clock speed. T2300 beats TL-50 and TL-52. T2400 beats TL-56, and T2500 beats TL-60. Even, many times, a core duo running at 1,66Ghz outperforms a Turion X2 running at 1,8Ghz.

How can this be possible??
CoreDuo are fast and will outperform Athlons in quite a few situations. But what you read is all just theoretical numbers and situation/game/app dependant. The best thing is to look at the countless benchmarks on various review sites and choose the chip which is fastest for what you want to use it for.
But, according to what I read, and Athlon 64 X2 has same performance as a Core Duo at same clock speed.
But, Turion X2 has lower performance than a Core Duo at same clock speed. T2300 beats TL-50 and TL-52. T2400 beats TL-56, and T2500 beats TL-60. Even, many times, a core duo running at 1,66Ghz outperforms a Turion X2 running at 1,8Ghz.

How can this be possible??
Most laptop memory are DDR2-667 or DDR2-533.
The reviews I read are all real app benchmarks.

What surprises me is that Athlon 64 X2 (2x512kb L2) is more or less like a Core Duo (2Mb L2), but a turion X2 (2x512kb L2) falls behind... does it mean that Turion performs a bit wrost than Athlon 64??