duncan36 said:
Well theres a reason why the Athlon isnt in the Xbox and its not because Intel lowballed AMD.
Having said that Athlon XPs are so inexpensive that I bought one anyway. Though I do have to put up with more crashes and stability issues, especially in games, than I did with my Intel system. Plus the heat! This Athlon XP 2000 runs between 52 and 56 degrees C!
This reminds me of another similar thread where I posted my success story, but I'll repeat it anyway.
I have an Athlon T-bird 900Mhz on a Abit kt7-raid (via kt133 chipset), and after I installed Windows XP some 8 months ago, it
never crashes. (OK, it bluescreened when I tried overclocking...) And I use my computer several hours every day. I've had my CPU reach 66 degrees C without any problems, and that's with an external temp probe (they usually reports lower temperatures than internal ones).
So I always find it very odd when people complain of instability on Athlons. Have I simply been very lucky? I don't know.
But back on topic, a 56 degree CPU shouldn't give you any trouble, I just visited a friend who was really happy because he just managed to lower his CPU temp from 71 to 65 degrees! And he had no stability problems either! (That was an Athlon XP 1700+ on a kt266)
I feel like an asshole for bragging about the stability of my machine when others have problems, but my point is that the problem might not be the CPU. Some common problems:
1. Bad memory or memory running with too aggressive timings. Test the memory with a memory testing program. (And let it run overnight. I once had to let a memory tester run for several hours before the first error occurred. )
2. Low quality MB. Buy from Asus, or someone else that has a reputation for quality and reliability.
3. Bad power supply. Check the voltages.
4. Crappy OS, like Windows95.
5. And probably many more that I can't think of...
Edit: Added crappy OS to the list. And I just wanted to add: You shouldn't just accept that a computer crashes sometimes. A computer isn't supposed to crash, if it does, there is something wrong somewhere.