AMD Fusion opinions

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First of all i would like to take a few opininons about the target market for Fusion. Do you think it would be targeted at the high-end market?. I do think so, and i do have some evidence to back me up. First of all, the first and more pointful piece of evidence is here, if you look at the diagram on the upper right corner you will see that for gfx intensive apps, one of which is gaming, the GPU will be more powerful than the CPU. The second reason, which is somewhat pointless, is in the Terascale project articles. As far as Intel said, they will add specific task engines into their CPUs, one of which is graphics, and they showed on an image three compute cores replaced by three cores for handling textures. If this can be applied to make an on die GPU, it will sure bring about high performance.

If it happens to be targeted at the high-end market, do you think they will be able to add a core for FSAA, like the Xenos daughter die?

your opinions are most welcome.
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