Concidering Metro 2033 Devs are using the PhysX libraries and have stated THEY DO and WILL use more than 1 core, really flies in the face of your stance that Nvidia is crippling the PhysX libraries for multi core multithreaded capable systems. If they can take the time to make sure it works and impliment it, then so can every other dev out there. The fact that PhysX in other games isn't using more than 1 core in those games point to the Dev not taking the time to impliment multithread PhysX libraries not Nvidia preventing it from happening.
Perhaps because unlike past PhysX efforts in games, this dev might actually be interested in providing a compelling experience for the consumer rather than just more GPU advertisting for Nvidia?
From what they are saying so far, it appears they aren't going to do the "LOOK AT ME I'M SPECIAL" type of GPU PhysX, but rather they are using it to speed up the game and perhaps add a little on top. Instead of almost all past games which used an excessive amount of LOOK AT ME effects with an associated huge hit to performance.
It'll certainly be interesting to see how it turns out. As well whether they use PhysX only for GPU acceleration and go with an in house solution for the CPU side.