AMD 64bit 3500+ Running Temp?


What is the 3500+ idle running temp 38C with stock cooling isnt it?So Im wondering why mine is running at 42C because maybe its too hot in my room or I should add another fan to my case?Anyone got any advice for my 3500+
Mine runs at 40-42c idle and 50-52c load. This was tested during the middle of summer though, my temps may have dropped since then, plus I overclock now.
Tim said:
Gubbi said:
42c idle, 58-60c under load with boxed cooler.

What kind of fans do you have in your case?

An 80mm pabst pulling air into the case, and the PSU exhausting. Motherboard temp. is aroung 30c so ambient temperature is fine.

No problem, I don't overclock and all temps are well within specs.

Gubbi said:
No problem, I don't overclock and all temps are well within specs.

Another thing the acuracy on integrated thermal diode is +/-7 degree Celcius. If the the raported temperature is 42C the real temperature could be anywhere betwen 35c and 49c. You might think that is bad but is actually a whole lot better than the thermal diode in the socket we had before.

Do not take the numbers from the integrated diode to serius.