But those are vintage drives. My question remains, is there any mass market modern drive which isn't using a screw mechanism? I'm not saying they don't exist, just that I haven't found any, the platform is now stable, they won't change it unless there's a very good reason. I haven't checked them all, but the fastest ones in this list are screws, and every single one I dismantled in the last 10 years were all screws, DVD writers, blurays, PS3, laptop drives, enthusiast high-end or low cost.
Anyway, my point about the seek mechanism was that Latency figures are physical limits and are not expected to improve much in the future. The fastest optical drives are around 100ms and have been for many many years. There hasn't been any new tech that improved this figure on any mass market consumer drives. But the landscape IS changing quickly because bandwidth seems capped on low cost 2.5 HDD (~80MB/s), while it's improving a lot on both flash and optical. Cost per GB is improving on all three technologies, so the gap is expected to remains big.
Optical Drive : 100ms latency, 50MB/s, $0.01/GB, $40 drive cost
HDD : 10ms latency, 80MB/s, $0.10/GB, $50 minimum cost
SSD : 0.1ms latency, >100MB/s, $0.60/GB, minimum cost is the controller ($??, or 100% software?)
Each of these have a major advantage over each other, so I think we need all three. A small SSD is the best for install/cache/buffer to hide optical latency, the HDD is the best for AV storage and large game installs, and the optical disk is the best distribution media. I can see them put the HDD only on the high-end SKU along with more internal flash to allow more games installed without flushing that cache (say, +16GB and a 500GB for +$100 retail?).
So whether we need an HDD this generation depends on how much space is enough, I doubt it will reach a point where $50 of flash is enough to replace an HDD, but obviously that would be the goal. We reached that point for music, but I think we're not even close for gaming, because it keeps getting bigger, and they really want you to sell you stuff locked to your hardware, it's important for THEM that you have enough storage.