Remember game prices can change based on the size of the game for developers. You have a game that needs only 8 gigs . Fine that game might sell for $50 or $60. A game needs 32 gigs that game may have to cost $70 or $75. We have that today without a capacity change. You have banjo for $40 coming out while you have gears coming out at $60. I'm sure for some if there was no load time and no long install for MGS4 they would have paid $70 for it. Same goes for gears of war 2 with me. If you could give me 0 loading time on gears 2 and it cost me $10-$15 more I would buy it
This is a price sensitive market and I doubt most people are willing to pay $10-$15 per game for no load time. If people are on the fence about which console to buy, they'll choose the system with the cheaper games. If they own multiple consoles, they'll buy the cheaper game.
Just like how id doesn't want to pay MS the extra royalty for a 3rd disc for Rage, other publishers will avoid the larger capacity SS media and cut down features so their games can stay at a certain pricepoint. Furthermore, I'd say certain publishers will avoid SS media altogether because of the inherently high cost to manufacture and the possibility of being stuck with millions of dollars of unsold inventory if a game bombs. This is why Sony needs to be onboard. Otherwise the platform(s) using SS media as a content delivery vehicle looks very unattractive to publishers in terms of costs/risks when there is a proven alternative. IMO, of course
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