Alan Wake 2 [XBSX|S, PC, PS5]

Well, the story they were trying to tell was also pretty linear, so the open would have been wasted, without "side-activities", which then can detract from the main narrative thread. The industry is also flooded with open world games which have become an opportunity to pad out titles with superficial resource collecting and copy and pasted enemy encounters. To have an open world full of unique and interesting encounters would require a lot more developer resources, and as an independent studio Remedy can't really compete with the large AAA developers.

Yup too many open world games that don't do anything with the open world other than add zillions of unrelated busy body side quests and collectathons (UBIsoft formula) and not enough that actually have a meaningful open world (like Elden Ring).

Might be why Elden Ring has been the only open world game I've ever finished, I think.

I'm still waiting for the open world Alan Wake promised at E3, rather than the linearitis-ridden game it ended up as.
Why are you still waiting for that when Remedy themselves were very open before the first was even released about abandoning that model and restructuring the game from the ground up as a linear experience. You are wainting for something known to not exist anymore.
I really hope they learned from their mistakes with Alan Wake 1 which was one of the most frustrating gaming experiences in my life. Usually I just decide if I like a game based on some attributes and don't bother with it any further but with AW1 I really wondered how good it would have been if it were just a different game. IMHO a completely *misdirected* game as the basic shallow action gimmick can't carry the gameplay.
I really hope they learned from their mistakes with Alan Wake 1 which was one of the most frustrating gaming experiences in my life. Usually I just decide if I like a game based on some attributes and don't bother with it any further but with AW1 I really wondered how good it would have been if it were just a different game. IMHO a completely *misdirected* game as the basic shallow action gimmick can't carry the gameplay.

I liked it. Despite the repetitiveness. I didn't think it was that bad. I think their controls and mechanics had some of the most satisying game-feel I've ever played. It just felt juicy to play.
Interesting, the RT on vs off in the diner. The table looks much better with RT on but with RT on it completely destroys all the detail in the diner seats. That's really unfortunate.


Does it destroy the detail or is it just hidden by the reflection? If you looked at it from a different angle, where the reflection was not prominent would the detail be there?
Yeah I think that could well be the specular/reflection effect that RT adds obscuring the detail. In either case the chairs still look way better to me in the RT scene. This is one of the most transformative examples of RT I've seen tbh.
I was expecting this game to rely entirely o RT and only work with that enabled, given how readily remedy were to experiment with it early on and how happy they were with the results.

In fact, I thought the graphics of the shown bits of gameplay were underwelming, but I thought that was a compromise for relying heavely on RT on consoles...

On the other hand, the original Alan Wake never had much that was really that show-offy graphics-wise (except for the great volumeteics) but nothing ever looked ugly either. Remedy knows how to balance everything out and make very believable and pleasing worlds without having to put billions of polygons and texels to work. I generally like their technical decisions.
It better have HDR! Definitely one to play on my C2, will look gorgeous.
The trailer is great and better than the previous one.

It w'll be interseting to see how it plays. Control is known to play fantastically. However, we didn't see much of the gameplay in Alan Wake 2.

I'm skeptical about the live action sequences. Hopefully they can fit all of it together well. In Quantum Break the live action footage was like a foreign object and also poorly shot. In Control it already fit in better.