AI chip?

An AI chip would simply be a CPU, at least it would be if implemented like every other silicon chip with AI as we know it.

A static chip can't conform to new problems without resorting to something in software. Problems require their own unique solutions, which would probably never fit a fixed chip. If there were an AI chip, it would be CPU that was hideously overdesigned that would achieve piddling results.

AI is the nightmarish combination of a poorly-defined problem with supercomputing requirements.
Well maybe it's just a chip for accelerating a set of "standard" algorithms needed for usual AI-tasks? That would be more than enough to be declared as "AI-accelerator" or such. Whatever these standard algorithms might be ;)
_xxx_ said:
Well maybe it's just a chip for accelerating a set of "standard" algorithms needed for usual AI-tasks? That would be more than enough to be declared as "AI-accelerator" or such. Whatever these standard algorithms might be ;)

There are no "standard" AI algorithms, that's how nebulous the field is. With graphics we have defined pipelines and geometric formulas. With AI there's not even an agreement as to what AI is.

Basic decision making algorithms include things like decision tree searches or utility functions. A tree search can be accellerated only by a processor capable of supporting multiple node calculations and many memory read accesses. That's just an overdesigned CPU. Utility functions are completely dependent on the problem, and they all just break down to a lot of comparisons and arithmetic, which is just a CPU.

Perhaps one could load up the chip with a bunch of psuedorandom number generators for Monte Carlo simulations, but that's not really an AI thing alone.
hey then they could have a censor (god) chip, that strips out or substitutes 'bad' content with 'good' content! and provides a religious tinged feel (different chip for each religion) for every game! people getting smited and all that.

AI chip seems cool. offload all NPC behavior to be handled as matrices of individuals abilities and behaviors that come from those combinations given a certain situation. probably give them the horsepower to be able to be more realistic on an individual basis. and you could have lots more passersby and innocent bystanders (to deal with) just as in real life, the woods could be 'stocked' realistically with wildlife. and bugs and all. each behaving as it 'should' based on what it is.
In FPS' I imagine there are a couple of standard tasks for AI's that require a LOT of processing. Such things as determining visibillity(partly just establishing if there is a line of sight. The player could also be partly occluded by some grass and bushes and stuff) and determining paths on terrain and such.

And in 2d top down games determining optimal paths for units to take was always kinda slow.(e.g. Ordering a hundred units to run somewhere on the other side of a relatively convoluted map)

What it looks like it should accelerate is evaluating a set of if/else, switch/case style statements, where a set of these needs to be done for many units every few frames. I know the latency of RAM is kinda bad with these sorts of things if there is a branch prediction miss. But is it really worth accelerating something like that?

epicstruggle said:
A dedicated porn chip? They would sell like hotcakes.


We already have a PPU, and it can double as a pron processing unit as well. At least it should be able to handle the jiggly bits and some simple fluid simulations.
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soylent said:
We already have a PPU, and it can double as a pron processing unit as well. At least it should be able to handle the jiggly bits and some simple fluid simulations.
