I live for top 10 lists. Let's keep it simple here. Only keep your list pertaining to games that you've ACTUALLY played. For example, I don't play PC games anymore so you won't find any on my list. However I do like my GBA so you'll find a few on my list. Same for PS2..my friend and I have swapped out ( myGCN to him) a few times this year so my PS2 list is limited. Here goes:
10. Rallisport Challenge- Xbox- One of my favorite racing games of all time (along with GT3 the prettiest) and the sole reason for me buying an Xbox this year.
9. Super Monkey Ball Jr.- GBA-If you liked SMB, SMB2 for GCN (namely Bowling and Golf) then you must get this title. It's all 3D and beautiful. And is the perfect pick up and play pocket game..and yes you can save on each board for hurried game session endings. You dont have to have a link cable. Golf and Bowling you swap back and forth with up to 4 players..yes VERY cool.
8. Sly Cooper- PS2- Damn fine platformer by Sucker Punch but too short..inexcusebly too short. One rental is all it takes. Too bad the casual fan base of PS2 will let it die on the store shelves.
7. Starfox Adventures- GCN- A really good game. Maybe even a really really good game. Just not a great game imo. I just felt lead by the hand too much. Too linear..yet big open worlds.
6. Ratchet & Clank-PS2- This was one game that made me actually want to go out and purchase a PS2. It had came a long way from the Underground demo I'd played months earlier.
5. Harry Potter-GCN- This could be for any system but I only played it on GCN so all I can say is Eurocom has garnered some respect from me. HP was a pleasent surprise. Flying around Hogwarts on a broom was one my all time neatest gaming moments.
4. Splinter Cell- XB- It's a shame this game came out the same time as Metroid Prime cause I really have'nt had alot of playtime with it. But all I can say is this is Ubi's best game since Rayman 2. It's the best Tactical Stealth game of all.
3. Super Monkey Ball 2- GCN- It's silly Japanese humor but you won't find a more complete singleplayer and multiplayer game anywhere. My Wavebird has been through Hell and back. Great great fun peroid.
2. Super Mario Sunshine- GCN- Huge game that will make you cuss more than anything. Hands down the prettiest water in a game to date. Textures were ugly in some instances yet really good in others. Between SMB2 and this one..my Wavebird has stood the test of time. The camera takes getting used to but this game's overall design is unmatched imo. You'll have more stuff to do everytime you enter a level..or the overworld (town). If you did'nt get at least 15 Shines than you have no idea how great this game is. SMS was my GOTY until.... ... .....
1. Metroid Prime- GCN- You know I had'nt even followed the hype of MP all year until about two months before it arrived. I knew it got game of E3 (with most people's hands ons). I had movies downloaded and everything but I had no idea what I was in for until I popped this disk in my Gamecube. Huge, Huge, Huge game. I have'nt covered this much ground in a game since the first Turok N64. Loads of secrets everywhere. Baddies of all kinds. Things attacking from the air..from under your feet..from behind you.
Puzzles that rival Zelda. Sprawling level design almost like Turok N64 and Half Life with a little bit of Unreal thrown in. The actual level and objective design is probably the greatest of all time imho. Masterpiece from every angle. Unrivaled graphics and sound. Cool ass eerie atmosphere of Resident Evil. Platforming elements of Mario. MP has defined the First Person Adventure genre (Well Thief started fpa imo).
Lot's of wandering might put off some who just want to run through shooting things. And there should have been Turok Style Option included. But MP has made me almost forget about the Rare sellout. In Retro's first attempt (as a team) they've created a game better than Rare ever thought about making (sans for maybe DKC SNES). In fact Metroid Prime maybe the greatest game of all time. I'm still tossing around between it and Zelda OOT. It looks as though the only thing to dethrown MP as best game this generation may be Zelda tWW in a few short months. We'll see.
Most noteables: Eternal Darkness and FFX.
10. Rallisport Challenge- Xbox- One of my favorite racing games of all time (along with GT3 the prettiest) and the sole reason for me buying an Xbox this year.
9. Super Monkey Ball Jr.- GBA-If you liked SMB, SMB2 for GCN (namely Bowling and Golf) then you must get this title. It's all 3D and beautiful. And is the perfect pick up and play pocket game..and yes you can save on each board for hurried game session endings. You dont have to have a link cable. Golf and Bowling you swap back and forth with up to 4 players..yes VERY cool.
8. Sly Cooper- PS2- Damn fine platformer by Sucker Punch but too short..inexcusebly too short. One rental is all it takes. Too bad the casual fan base of PS2 will let it die on the store shelves.
7. Starfox Adventures- GCN- A really good game. Maybe even a really really good game. Just not a great game imo. I just felt lead by the hand too much. Too linear..yet big open worlds.
6. Ratchet & Clank-PS2- This was one game that made me actually want to go out and purchase a PS2. It had came a long way from the Underground demo I'd played months earlier.
5. Harry Potter-GCN- This could be for any system but I only played it on GCN so all I can say is Eurocom has garnered some respect from me. HP was a pleasent surprise. Flying around Hogwarts on a broom was one my all time neatest gaming moments.
4. Splinter Cell- XB- It's a shame this game came out the same time as Metroid Prime cause I really have'nt had alot of playtime with it. But all I can say is this is Ubi's best game since Rayman 2. It's the best Tactical Stealth game of all.
3. Super Monkey Ball 2- GCN- It's silly Japanese humor but you won't find a more complete singleplayer and multiplayer game anywhere. My Wavebird has been through Hell and back. Great great fun peroid.
2. Super Mario Sunshine- GCN- Huge game that will make you cuss more than anything. Hands down the prettiest water in a game to date. Textures were ugly in some instances yet really good in others. Between SMB2 and this one..my Wavebird has stood the test of time. The camera takes getting used to but this game's overall design is unmatched imo. You'll have more stuff to do everytime you enter a level..or the overworld (town). If you did'nt get at least 15 Shines than you have no idea how great this game is. SMS was my GOTY until.... ... .....
1. Metroid Prime- GCN- You know I had'nt even followed the hype of MP all year until about two months before it arrived. I knew it got game of E3 (with most people's hands ons). I had movies downloaded and everything but I had no idea what I was in for until I popped this disk in my Gamecube. Huge, Huge, Huge game. I have'nt covered this much ground in a game since the first Turok N64. Loads of secrets everywhere. Baddies of all kinds. Things attacking from the air..from under your feet..from behind you.
Puzzles that rival Zelda. Sprawling level design almost like Turok N64 and Half Life with a little bit of Unreal thrown in. The actual level and objective design is probably the greatest of all time imho. Masterpiece from every angle. Unrivaled graphics and sound. Cool ass eerie atmosphere of Resident Evil. Platforming elements of Mario. MP has defined the First Person Adventure genre (Well Thief started fpa imo).
Lot's of wandering might put off some who just want to run through shooting things. And there should have been Turok Style Option included. But MP has made me almost forget about the Rare sellout. In Retro's first attempt (as a team) they've created a game better than Rare ever thought about making (sans for maybe DKC SNES). In fact Metroid Prime maybe the greatest game of all time. I'm still tossing around between it and Zelda OOT. It looks as though the only thing to dethrown MP as best game this generation may be Zelda tWW in a few short months. We'll see.
Most noteables: Eternal Darkness and FFX.