Abuse of mathematics


Retarded moron
A lot of people mention things such as "abuse of...".

Typical examples are, abuse of:

I'm just wondering if there is such a thing as an abuse of mathematics?
I don't believe mathematics could be abused, but I could be wrong.
I have seen people write things in advertising like :

2+2 = 5 or 1+1 = 3

to emphasize their point. This could be an example of abuse of mathematics.
A lot of people mention things such as "abuse of...".

Typical examples are, abuse of:

I'm just wondering if there is such a thing as an abuse of mathematics?
I don't believe mathematics could be abused, but I could be wrong.

"There obviously is an abuse of mathematics, when it comes to people like me with advanced knowledge of neuroscience, mind, human behavior, psychology, social or mass psychology. Abusing mathematics, It's called using mathematics in human relationships, and it is the secret of Scientology's inner logistical workings. In essence it turns a human or a society into nothing more than an elaborate equation or logistical unit, even nations or worlds can be turned into nothing more than an extremely complex reality/society controller."-POLYMATH's BET O

"With mathematics any girl man or being can be made into Alice and sent into a Wonderland like trance that she never snaps out of, stalker, zealot, fanatic, obsessed for life even in denying it only affirming it ever more. The power to distort worldviews, and manipulate the very essence, the very will of someone into not only loving and following you forever, but into whatever hell hole you go into."-POLYMATH's BET I

"How is it that I know blu-ray will win the war for certain? How is it that I can foresee what has yet to happen so clearly and so precisely as to anticipate it. Is it not because I've mastered a portion of this and set it up such that its victory is virtually guaranteed, I do make mistake after all I'm only human, but I do have the combined powers of both Cassandra-Alexandra and Odysseus, you could call it mastery of the force but that would be pushing it, and I'm able to master them ever more with greater precision."-POLYMATH's BET II