ooops.... i enjoyed a lot more playing as carter, just get in a police car with sirens on and u're off, cars pull over to let u pass and no one coming after u (well apart from the gangsters)...
i know that gt3 and mgs2 look good and everything, but the detail in the interiors in The Getaway is REALLY rare for ANY game. even MGS2 interiors look WAAAAY bland compared to this.... of course MGS2's animation and gameplay is on another planet but we're talking graphics here....
also, did u notice how the lighting changes outside if u stay out for a while.... there's no transition between day and night but if u stop for a couple of minutes when u're on foot on the steert u can see the slight change in the lighting...... that is SOOOOOOOOO realistic and is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO london!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really, i can notice the same effect right now looking out of the window... it gets slightly darker and the goes back a little more lighter... thats the way it is in london when the sky is covered with clouds (which means 364 days a year )... that really left me gobsmacked...
No, didn't notice that with the light thingy... but I'll be sure to check it out. As for the detail, you're right, it is amazing what effort went into it. If you think about it, it's quite astonishing that they managed to capture London that well, or at least, that's how it looks like. And it also feels much more like a city with all the traffic and traffic jams than I ever experienced in a Grand Theft Auto. The facial expression and the detail is also incredible - probably better than what you'll see in MGS2 (although, Konami hid it very well thanks to art-direction and realistic blur effects). Surely though, a game like Getaway shouldn't even be compared to MGS2 (my mistake), I just ment to say that I still look at MGS2 as graphical superiour to most games thanks to the art and that alone.
I also enjoyed playing as Carter, although that part was done much faster than with Hammond. When I think back at when I played Getaway, what stroke me as most impressive is the realism of escaping for the first time (after setting the gallery on fire) and you see this cop car sliding around the corner and blocking your way. The fact that the car didn't try to colide head on with you and instead turning the car to block you stroke me as being very impressive. Also, one part where you have to kill the police guy and then the SWAT team comes after you using stun grenades (and the way the glas of the windows shattered as the grenade exploded) was... WOW!