Abit KR7A-133 Problem


Hey all,

I've got an Abit KR7A-133 Mobo, and I was wondering whether if anyone else has one and has had to update their BIOS to accomadate for a faster Proccessor?

The proccessor in question for me is a AMD Athlon XP 2100+

I'd assume this is a Palomino chip.

Can anyone give me any input on flashing the BIOS, if its worth it or not and also if anyone else has successfully Flashed their BIOS.


I've got the same motherboard and I think it only handles up to the XP2000+ without a BIOS flash.

It's always been relatively painless experience with ABIT motherboards.

Download the new BIOS.
Format a floppy disk so that you can boot from it.
Copy the flash utility and new BIOS onto the disk.
Boot from the floppy.
Make a backup of your current BIOS.
Flash the new BIOS
Pray, this is optional!
Once the Flash has finished switch off your machine.
Clear the CMOS as per the manuals instructions. There is a jumper on the MB.
Boot up with a fresh and toasty new BIOS installed.