Aaaah! No power till November 22


I am going to go crazy. I just check with FPL and they say that my area will be out of power till November 22. I am at the border where power will be restored by November 8 so I hope that I will get it before the 22nd.

At present I have no food in the fridge since it has gone bad. I am running out of gas for my car and there is a 3 to 4 hour wait to get gas if you find a working gas station and work is working me to death. They so kindly gave me tomorrow off to find gas, like they had a choice I have enough gas just to find a gas station. By the way all working gas stations have police officers station there to keep the peace. It is like a Mad Max movie. Also there is an 8:00 P.M. curfey so you can stay late looking for gas.

I am also waiting on an order for my motherboard that I need for a LAN party on November 12. That is if the location gets power and water, it is a business and hopefully they will get the power by then. UPS doesn't know when they will be delivering it. At least if I had it I could assemble the computer and take it to work to complete it and have some fun.

If it wasn't for my phone line and charged up laptops I would go crazy. Nothing like computing by candle light.
Again, considering all the storms that sweep through the general area (and all seem to gravitate towards and hit that limp dick that is florida), why the HECK aren't your powerlines dug down into the ground??? It's not like this is the first hurricane ever that struck and took everybody by surprise...
Guden Oden said:
Again, considering all the storms that sweep through the general area (and all seem to gravitate towards and hit that limp dick that is florida), why the HECK aren't your powerlines dug down into the ground??? It's not like this is the first hurricane ever that struck and took everybody by surprise...

A lot of them here, in Missouri, are and I would assume in Florida too. But you know, its not like power lines make the power all my themselves, or maybe they do, never read that up though. *shurgs*
Skrying said:
But you know, its not like power lines make the power all my themselves, or maybe they do
No, the wires just carry the electricity. The electricity gnomes make the electricity...
I live in Miami-Dade County. Naples is in Collier county power has been restored to half the people that lost power. There are still 80,000 people without power in collier, 840,000 in Miami-Dade. All of Collier county should have power by November 15.

They updated there sight and they say in my area they still haven't been able to complete their survey so it may take less time than November 22. I still see myself eating Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches for a long time.

As for the power lines I live in an old neighborhood and none of the lines are burried it cost to much money to do so. All the new neighborhoods do have them underground. Yet it didn't make any difference in Miramar (a new city that was developed in the last several years ) everything is burried there and they have no power and our office there is without power or water. There are right now about 2.5 million people with out power in south florida down from 3.2 million.
digitalwanderer said:
No, the wires just carry the electricity. The electricity gnomes make the electricity...

Yeah, the gnomes have large cat farms where they rub the cats with their sweaters. Their sweaters are connected to the power grid.

Probably the hurricane broke the cages of the cats, and they escaped. It takes some time until new kittens are ready to take place of the runaways.
So uhmm... How do you do stuff for the next month or so? I wouldn't know what to do! And the food? And life necessities like... u know... porn and teh intardent?
I got gas this morning and I only waited 30 minutes in line. My friend called me at 5:30 A.M. at told me that a gas station just opened up and there wasn't a line. By the time I got there the line was only half a block long so I was happy.

If it really takes a month to get power back up I think I will go insane. As of now my typical day is get up turn on candel. Drive to my brothers house for a hot shower, the bastard got electricity the day after the hurricane hit. Then I go to work where all battery operated devices get charged and I have some cereal at the office so I buy milk at the office cafeteria and also eat lunch there. They are also providing a dinner service at work but the line is insane to eat and it would mean I get home almost at night time so I just drive home enjoy the hour or so of daylight eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. by 8:00 P.M. it is pitch black I normally go to bead with my laptop and use dial up for internet access. I have four laptops charged so once one dies I go to the other. I am sorry to say I am pornless should have put some on the usb drive before the hurricane hit.

It is actually quite depressing I am not sure if I can take a month of this. Luckily the temperature has been cool if the weather starts to get hot I will move in with my brother but his house is crowded already. No one else in the family has electricity.

My mission for today is find a supermarket with electricity and buy non parishable food and I desperitely need a chainsaw to clear out my front and back yard.
Sorry but everytime i see something like this i cant help but think how retarded americans must really be.

Sorry I have sympathy for whats happened over there.. but as the saying goes god helps them who help themselves.. and you dont help yourselves at all.

You build in LA which has earthquakes and you dont strengthen buildings to be earthquake resistant..

you have thousands of homes in tornado alley that are made of wood and power lines that are above ground..

you have homes on the south coast that are in the path of hurricanes almost every year that are made of wood yet again and the power lines are above ground..

Have you ever heard of bricks? they have been making them for THUSANDS of years from one thing or another..

when you build a home that is in harms way.. dont build it on 8x8 wooden legs so the sea can take it away.. when you live in high wind places dont build a home out of something that can be blown down.. put the damn power lines in the ground..

this is simple stuff here people. just because its quick and cheap to build a wooden house doesnt make it the right thing to do.

I have sympathy for the people this has happened to but common sense has to come into this somewhere.
The Cola Kid said:
Sorry but everytime i see something like this i cant help but think how retarded americans must really be.

Sorry I have sympathy for whats happened over there.. but as the saying goes god helps them who help themselves.. and you dont help yourselves at all.

You build in LA which has earthquakes and you dont strengthen buildings to be earthquake resistant..

you have thousands of homes in tornado alley that are made of wood and power lines that are above ground..

you have homes on the south coast that are in the path of hurricanes almost every year that are made of wood yet again and the power lines are above ground..

Have you ever heard of bricks? they have been making them for THUSANDS of years from one thing or another..

when you build a home that is in harms way.. dont build it on 8x8 wooden legs so the sea can take it away.. when you live in high wind places dont build a home out of something that can be blown down.. put the damn power lines in the ground..

this is simple stuff here people. just because its quick and cheap to build a wooden house doesnt make it the right thing to do.

I have sympathy for the people this has happened to but common sense has to come into this somewhere.

:LOL: Can't say i disagree...

this is simple stuff here people. just because its quick and cheap to build a wooden house doesnt make it the right thing to do.

Well maybe they can only build them cheap because by the time they're half way done, another hurricane comes and they have to start from the beginning!
Besides, they need the money from the Insurance you know. I can't imagine what their premium is, i mean having one car accident every years sends your car insurance over the roof, i can't imagine what the premium for "destroyed house [put code here]" every 6 months or so is :oops:
Cola Kid:

First of all there are no wooden homes allowed in South Florida I can't speak about the whole state but in Southern Florida that is the case. Only you are talking about a very old historic home you are talking about cinder block construction. All of the homes in the area ar intact and Miami-Dade has one of the toughest building codes around. The damage I have is a lot of old treses that have been up-rooted or ripped to shreds by the hurricane.

As for the buried power line all new construction is burried, the actuall city is also burried cable it is the old residential areas that are above ground. Also remember south Florida is only about three feet above sea level. In the old days it would have been very difficult to burie the lines.

As for building homes on wooden legs that the sea can take away. Check out

Is a small group of stores/houses build iin the 1920-1930's that are still up and running and are built on stilts in the middle of Biscayne Bay.
Cola Kid: That's one of the reasons I live where I live right in the heart of the country near a large body of fresh water & in an agricultural state. The worst we worry about is snow and it's kind of a known factor.