A stalking case...

I wanted to share something with you guys. It's variably funny and pathetic, but mostly just pathetic...

Anyway, I've been a member of tons of forums over the past 17 years, especially gaming and survival horror related online communities. Now this psychopath from Australia has spent the past 3 years annoying the crap out of me on the Internet. He's just doing it, to try to push my buttons.

How do I know the dude, then? Well I can say for 100% certain, that I knew this guy from around 2004 from some forums, due to my interest in the Resident Evil series. He ran a website to do with Capcom, which I think was one of the biggest [unofficial] Capcom sites at the time. But regardless, that's where I definitely know him from.

He posted photos of himself and a dog on a forum in 2017, and I once got this IP address to do with a New Zealand ISP from when he was stalking my contributions on Wikipedia. Well, I just thought of people I knew from Australia, because that country is near New Zealand, and I soon found his Twitter profile shortly thereafter. It's a profile with a photo of what looks to be the same man and dog. He even admitted that was him, because he replied to me once somewhere, simply saying, "Sherlock".

Since the summer of 2017, he's been annoying me on a near daily basis on tons of different forums, and wikis, but mostly wikis, like this one on Fandom about horror films I edit on a lot. Usually he only does this childish stuff on quiet, poorly moderated websites where nobody is around to boot him off voluntarily. Although he does sign into one gaming forum I go on, just to inspect my posts. If he sees anything that he considers to be interesting to himself, like with me talking about other people I have beef with, I think he then goes to that person via Facebook or whatever to be a tattle-tale. And I know it's him, because he posted with this one profile already, but now he just uses it to log in obsessively, because he knows if he did post being a smart aleck, the admin would ban him. Although banning him doesn't really do any good, because in this day and age, it's easy to cloak your IP address with a free VPN, then rejoin wherever you were kicked off from.

Usually, he uses simple sounding names like Rub, Glove, Gimpy, and stuff like that. But this guy must be over 30 years old. Even if he was only 15, it would still be classed as a felony to go around harassing strangers online. Right?

I'm not kidding. He spent well over a year or so, creating TONS of accounts on a dead relationship advice forum I was active at. Despite the fact the forum was dying off anyway, I still posted quite frequently with some other users. This guy did nothing but threaten me and post images of folk defecating in each other's mouths, for example, along with regularly posting other potentially illegal and obscene images. That's because as I said, it was poorly moderated. The admin even did away with moderators, so it was open season for *ANYBODY* just like him to go spamming. He would then spam up every section, until the admin logged in and banned him. And that was hardly ever. But I got banned as well!

He knows I've been an extra in several movies, so he obsessively edits my filmography pages on imdb.com and all that, and makes fake posters with screenshots on their respective entries. He said I only get to be an extra in films because I use my "retard checks" (disability welfare) to appear in them, and he kept on making posts implying that's fraudulent. I'm sure he's also messaged people about me concerning movies I was in, such as contacting a director of Christian movies I met years ago, to inform him I uploaded his film on Internet Archive, as the guy contacted me about that ages ago. I've also posted my filmography on wikis.

On this horror wiki I edit on, I've tried to edit anonymously with proxies to try to avoid detection from that moron, since he makes multiple pseudonyms, changing his location and profession on his profiles to things that are false. But he must be looking at the 'recent activity' to see who edited what and at what time. He obsessively edited every single article I did, even snub type ones I hadn't edited in over a year because I closed some of my accounts and never edited them again. But I wasn't even that bothered about these pages. But alas. He has edited every single one. Why, I do not know. But I think he does it to keep tabs on me, because when you edit a page, you can be subscribed to that page for future updates. So then if someone edits it even anonymously, you should receive an email stating something like, "Such and such is talking about (the page's title). Check it out".

I've reported his butt to the police in my native Scotland, but because he's overseas, they won't budge an inch. And yeah, I have proof that it's him doing all of this. When I did contact the authorities in Australia, I was told that my Edinburgh based police force had to look into things and get in touch with them before an investigation could commence. He's also pestered my friend, who lives about 10 minutes from my address, with fake sales ads and takeaways.

Now as to the funniest part: I say "funny" - but it's really not. But anyway, he has a YouTube channel. All he does is upload bizarre videos of himself, alluding to things only we know about. But he's wearing gloves to conceal his identity. It doesn't matter, though. He already revealed who he truly is, and I'm not stupid either.

He made two videos of himself stomping and kicking a Pepsi can and bottle, in what I assume is his stairwell. Why? Well, he was accusing me of kicking my family's dog, a Yorkshire Terrier, which was called Pepsi. The dog died last November, then this ignorant radge pot signed up as Pepsi on a forum, but he was banned for doing that. He also puts brief cartoon like images of me in his videos, but you only notice these for like a second, which makes it hard for me to report him to Google.

So, um... after watching these videos below, do you think this dude is totally bonkers or what?!

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Yeah. I'm aware that you can put users in ignore mode, but that's not what this is about.

My mother said I should stay away from any websites he inhabits, after I showed her the video of him chucking the Pepsi can, then stamping on it.

The guy must not have a life.
If you haven't already it might be worth a shot in the dark of contacting the Australian Federal Police either on twitter or via the website, even if its just to ask who you should report it to. Id probably start with twitter and then try the non-emergency number.
Yeah, it's likely you are not the only target and, at least twitter or the website admins should be able to contact the person without having them know it was you who reported.
Another thing you can do is change your forum/website name ...
I think I filled in that form before, but if you're outside of Australia, it doesn't work. That's why I ended up calling them. I think they were surprised when I said I was calling from Scotland. But I was told that because I'm not a citizen of Australia, I had to file a report with my local police first, who would forward a complaint onto their authorities. It still doesn't explain why that IP address I obtained once is from Spark, in New Zealand. As far as I'm aware, Spark isn't covered for AU customers. Maybe he goes there for a holiday, or to visit relatives. He did show me a picture of himself on a plane, giving me the finger at a window. Unfortunately, websites we've been on often close or relocate servers, so everything previously there ends up removed. To be honest, I should have saved every single thing he said and did, even if it mounted up. Proof is still proof.

Essentially, I guess they don't have to do anything if I'm international, since I don't think anyone outside of AU factors into their regulations. But my local police aren't doing anything. They visited me twice already: Once before when I lived with family, and then about a year ago when they came to my accommodation. They just gave me the usual, "You should ignore him" speech. Now obviously ignoring him doesn't work. In fact, I had to stop plastering stuff about my acting jobs on IMDb. He also knows I use a website to pledge money for to gain parts in films, so I don't want him cyber stalking me anymore.

I've been struggling for years as it is, because of issues with former support workers. My current lawyer isn't doing a thing to help. My sister is in the same boat. She hasn't seen one of her sons for over 7 years, but they don't care. Her lawyer died because of an illness. When she tried other numbers, nobody was able to help at all. She was diagnosed with a Functional Neurological Disorder. As it is right now, nobody can hardly do anything anywhere in the world today because of the coronavirus commotion. Just about everybody is working from home, or even if they are not, there's a massive backlog of cases to sift through. And just pray you don't need a dentist.
All this must suck, bit from an outsider's perspective, this story is so bizarre and unusual that it ended up being interesting to me.

I do hope you can get rid of that curse of a stalker though.
Where are you from?

In the UK, they are not doing fillings, unless you go private.

It's not just dentists either. It's practically everywhere. I don't even know what is going on with this film I paid to produce, and acted in a year ago. I think it has a heavy stop-start schedule. I wouldn't know. I was only there for one day, but I cannot get acting jobs anymore. It sucks. I feel so disheartened now.
If I was going to report him, I would have to scan stuff. Right now, I haven't set up a printer.

That's reassuring about the dentists. I was getting worried that in the future, I could have had issues. They'd have to do something if a person was in agony.

Anyway, not to make this into a dental discussion, but I was just pointing that out.

I note you are new here. How did you learn about this forum, and what made you think this was a good such place to get advice ?

Update, sorry, b3d has marked you as "newcomer" which I thought meant you were new, But you've been around since 2005. I guess it's a designation based on the number of your posts.
Well, I sometimes Google my own user names to find my way back to forums I haven't logged into in years, and I figured maybe someone on a tech site such as this one would have advice on how to deal with this sort of hassle.

I'm currently only really active on three forums now: Silent Hill Community, Biohaze, and JoyFreak. Pretty much every other forum I've been on has no activity anymore. After Tokyo Game Show is over, I'm planning on having a long break from forums. I've got a lot of personal things to deal with. Most of it is legal stuff. So that's going to take up a lot of my time. I've also kind of lost interest in message boards, because their heyday I reckon is long since passed. That's mostly because they have all declined in activity, so hardly anybody responds.

I had considered just asking Fandom to delete any pages about my filmography. Nobody cares about my acting stuff anyway. Trolls are definitely attracted to tampering with those sort of pages (like the arsehole I l already described). Just yesterday, he was back at it again (editing pages I had not edited in over a year). Seems kind of creepy that somebody would go through the bother of doing that. Does he have any interest in these movies? Personally, I doubt that he does.

I just don't get it...
Well, I sometimes Google my own user names to find my way back to forums I haven't logged into in years, and I figured maybe someone on a tech site such as this one would have advice on how to deal with this sort of hassle.

I'm currently only really active on three forums now: Silent Hill Community, Biohaze, and JoyFreak. Pretty much every other forum I've been on has no activity anymore. After Tokyo Game Show is over, I'm planning on having a long break from forums. I've got a lot of personal things to deal with. Most of it is legal stuff. So that's going to take up a lot of my time. I've also kind of lost interest in message boards, because their heyday I reckon is long since passed. That's mostly because they have all declined in activity, so hardly anybody responds.

I had considered just asking Fandom to delete any pages about my filmography. Nobody cares about my acting stuff anyway. Trolls are definitely attracted to tampering with those sort of pages (like the arsehole I l already described). Just yesterday, he was back at it again (editing pages I had not edited in over a year). Seems kind of creepy that somebody would go through the bother of doing that. Does he have any interest in these movies? Personally, I doubt that he does.

I just don't get it...
There's a simplicity to forums and message boards. They aren't as active, but i don't feel like I'm being data mined here. It's a smaller community sure, but that's part of the charm. People shouldn't be witch hunting, we have more control over things here. I would consider just ghosting/changing account names on forums.
I'm not sure what you can do about social media though. I am trying to get around to deleting all of mine, it's just terrible how it's being used. I can't get rid fo Gmail though, despite how much I want to.
I'm just disappointed that my acting career is at ground zero. I don't have an agent. I basically paid my way into the films I got to appear in, or I just asked around on Facebook, and I thought I'd gotten lucky a few times. After that though, there was long periods where I didn't do anything, despite applying myself. But the last 3 years has been an absolute disaster. Between not even getting to see some of the films I was in, to the same people blackballing me, it has been beyond a joke.

This all basically started because some actress was talking crap about me. I've not had any support for years either, which means that in general, I've struggled with various social aspects. Besides that, I had problems with a woman from this autism agency, which ended up being a right disaster. Now I struggle to even look at people when I'm talking to them, because I've got this condition very similar to Asperger's, so I avoid public transport a lot. Although when I went for my diagnosis in 2007, they assumed I had PDD-NOS instead of Asperger's. But the long range of support workers I had were just idiots that did more harm than good. There was even a guy at this company years ago sending me emails, dredging up things about a girl I knew from years ago, and when I finally found that Scottish ex-girlfriend, she just used me. I'm not sure if there was something wrong with the guy, but he did admit to doing that.

The thing is, I just told people that I liked my (then) key worker, who is this Spanish woman. The next thing I know, the folk in charge were taken pure advantage of me. One minute they're lying about her still being my key worker, after she was 100% removed and then she mistreated me in front of others by being nasty. Then the people that did up my rota were getting the pigs to arrest me. After that, they acted dumb, claiming they didn't know about me being arrested. But I was in supported accommodation, which means the staff flat had spare keys. Well, I got hurt that we fell out, because I was attached to her, and I thought she was a sweet person. But I've had 6 years of hell going through the court and worse, all thanks to that company not following protocol.

When I turned 30, I thought it was time to up my game, and maybe do some acting, to put that behind me. I partook in a drama class in college, so I do genuinely like acting, and I collect rare horror films as well. Therefore, I felt like I could become a decent extra, because that's not as bad as being the central point of a film where the pressure is really coming down on you. It should also be fairly easy to become an extra for most people out there, because you generally don't require any previous experience. Or so I thought. I've made amateur films with a friend, too, but they are just too low budget for anyone to care about. In fact, I made a thread on here recently about this series I did, about a weird house. But they are admittedly not very good, because I basically did them on an iPhone.

But due to people talking crap about me, I've lost out on being in so many REAL independent movies. The same thing just keeps on happening, yet if I respond back at any of these people, they end up getting me into trouble on purpose. But I know this one actress from Glasgow is responsible for most of my anguish. She was getting trolls on YouTube to call me a paedophile and other crap about a year ago as well. Plus, I also had problems with this singer called Pete Wylie, who she apparently contacted too. He used to be in this band called Wah! and they had some hits in the UK charts, back in the 80s.

I was talking to him on Twitter. Well, I don't know if I overdid it with my contact, but I did like his music. I contributed towards an album he was recording. Eventually, he replied to a direct message I sent, saying I caused other people to abuse him besides me abusing him, and that he did me no wrong. He certainly had been muting my accounts. But I don't know what he was talking about. So I sent him £100 on PayPal to try to get in his good books again, along with an email explaining my personal problems, and he kept the cash. He still decided to grass on me in any case. My mother said that I shouldn't put people like him on a pedestal either, because he "had his 5 minutes of fame". He isn't exactly known for being a nice guy. If you do Google searches of him, he's referred to as a Liverpool loudmouth. And to be honest, I don't think any of these so-called celebrities care about their fans. You're essentially just filling their pockets through some emotional attachment you believe you have with him or her.

The solution is only for the pure of heart: send your stalker lots of closeup Polaroids of your unshaved arsehole. Eventually, either they'll tire, or they'll have amassed enough of these Polaroids such that you're legally married. You can then file for divorce via the WWE.

Also, maybe reconsider taking cocaine and posting on Internet forums in the wee hours of a Tuesday morning :cool:
He's so crazy. He's that crazy, in fact, that he probably believes the Moon really is made of cheese. Cheese, as in the stinky smegma from his lady parts.

Yes. He's still on the Horror Film Wiki, changing his location and that every single day, because he knows I'm watching him closely. He isn't vandalising any pages, so he cannot be kicked off of Fandom. But he will do things that only we can read between the lines of (like changing his details, so I will notice him doing this). Too bad the other admin "UltravoX" has not been active since March, or he'd likely be gone by now (until he hits that 'register' button again, of course). The only other admin active on there is a lazy sod.

This is "Gimpy" aka James, here.


Previously, he had the ID "Lovebroken", which he stole from a user I know on acyberlove.com (it's the *DEAD* relationship advice related forum I was referring to before).

He did the same trick with this profile too.


And, no. He ain't Scottish. If you look at all the pages he has edited, they were all ones I previously interacted with using other profiles. But once he edits anything on his profile, you're usually still able to see it if you click where it says "Edit profile". I've noticed lately that this option only appears for the first few seconds when you're visiting someone's page, as if it was deliberately removed, or at least intended to be hidden somehow. Gee, I wonder.

As for the other people...

I'm in the process of writing tons of letters to go with these small claims forms. The box on the forms is too small to write the largest of details about all of the stuff that has been happening over the years, so you can attach a letter, and label it as D1. And since there's more than one person involved, this is quite a pain.

I basically paid money ages ago to film producers. They pocketed the cash and didn't give me any part in their films, again, due to people maliciously "blackballing" me behind the scenes. One guy in particular claims that no part was ever offered for a film he's directing, and that I'm delusional. It's all made up BS and excuses, because the actress who slandered me online has pals of hers that do it on her behalf as well. The guy admitted that somebody said something to him, so why is he trying to deny it?

The thing is, the court bailed me in January with the stipulation that I wasn't to go online. They had me handing over my property (again) - which included things like my laptop and my mobile phone. It has happened before. The police have still got this black Dell laptop from as far back as early 2018.

They also have me on two petitions concurrently, which is bogus as well. The police broke into my flat months ago when I would not answer the door to them, making out I stalked some former support worker. They clearly showed up on purpose, because her non-harassment order expired just before they showed up. There's one running for somebody else who used to "support" me, which isn't due to expire for years to come.

They're basically a pair of tossers that blew something out of proportion years ago, so I ended up losing my support and my flat, at the time. This recent commotion is because I made a video well over a year ago, just talking about what various people had did to me, but it was not sent to her. It was about her to an extent, but it was not sent to her. So it seems like they just came an entire year later so she can have a new order granted via the court, and the other petition was because I said somebody's name after the actress slandered me with that person. But there was provocation there.

My own lawyer is being awkward too. He wanted me to go to a police station a while back, on a Friday. Oh, hell no. I wasn't going to do that. He said that he'd talked it out beforehand with the police, and that after they interviewed me, I was going to be getting released. He asked me to go there at 10 AM too. It's not even up to your solicitor as to whether you'll be getting released or not. The pigs have to ask the desk sergeant on duty if it's fine for the suspect to be let go, so I wasn't going to fall for that. He just did it because it suited his schedule, and it seems he's just dead weight to me now. He isn't sounding enthusiastic about helping me with all of these other matters. He's just a criminal defence lawyer, so some of this is more so a civil matter. But either way, I'm not daft.

Anybody with a brain that works should know what happens if you're arrested on a Friday. And this wasn't a case of, "I don't think they have any proof - I can just not comment". They did have evidence. But it wasn't actually even a breach of any dumb court order, though. Talking about somebody in a video, expressing how you feel about having your life messed up, isn't a crime. It's only if you contact or communicate with that person in some manner, then that's a breach, provided there's some court order in place stating that you cannot contact a certain person. They just didn't want me pestering her again after it expired. Not that I was doing that anyway. I'd sent apologies online to people in the past, whether it was amid bail conditions or court orders they got granted afterwards, but all it did was compound the original accusations, or overall problem, as it were. So ultimately, I've just had my time and money wasted on so many airheads, but I made it worse by being all noble. Clearly, they just did not care about me as a person.