Yeah, the people who are protesting this removal of Sadam are real fools for the most part. Mostly they have absolutely no clue of what to do about Sadam and the Iraq situation. Also it isn't difficult to see that many of the protestors are less then sympathetic to capitalism and the US anyway.
But what if we let the UN have its way and continue to let Sadam rule in Iraq? Well it is widely supposed that Iraq would never submit to the weapons inspectors fully this in turn would have the trade embargo continued where the oil for food program is in place... Now this may seem like a humanitarian idea but lets consider that the continuance of that program is not in the Iraqi citizens best interest. The program seems like UN sanctioned barter and the countries that are involved with trading oil for food are really ripping the people of Iraq off. Consider that the state supplying the food is buying food from private organizations and then bartering these goods that are already bought and paid for .... for oil no less.
Now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that first off that the state supplying the food rations are subsidizing the private company whom is supplying the food. The the state turns around and does the oil for food barter... if you think about this it is a real scam. But the UN was protecting this oil for food program and was more then willing to let the process continue from what I have seen. So as it turns out the motives of the countries opposing regime change in Iraq may be viewed as something less then altruistic. First they have their subsidized private enterprise pork barreling that they will lose and after the government is changed in Iraq these countries will have to pay money for the oil. This really is a plus plus arrangement I believe consider that Iraqs oil base is at least as rich as Saudi Arabia. This regime change may end up a massive boon for the world economy driving the price of oil down to nearly $20 USD a barrel.
Needless to say the oil for food program that the UN has imposed, and is currently upheld as a result of France, Germany and Russians opposition to the war, is no benefit to Iraq or its people.
There is no good reason to protest the end of Sadams Baath party regime, it isn't good for the people of Iraq in terms of his terroristic oppression , it isn't good for the people of Iraq in terms of their financial well being present and future, it isn't good for the people of Iraq in terms of stability in the region. This regime change will end the terrorist training that goes on in the country, it will give the people of Iraq democracy, liberty/freedom and wealth, it will reinvigorate the world economy, it will set a better tone in the region in the long run in terms of the peoples view of the west.(eg as opposed to being evil they will get to see that the west is not what Sadam and the Baath party preach, on that note it will be good to rid the world of yet another socialist government of which the Baath party is, hrm maybe that speaks volumes about the left wing protest
.) The US will end any weapons of mass destruction programs that are currently in place. Neighboring countries will not have to live in fear that Sadam will attack them and try to take over their countries.(eg Kuwait, Iran, Saudi Arabia.) The Kurdish people will not live in fear of their own government. Turkey, Jordan will not have to worry about a flood of Kurdish refuges again. Israel won't have to worry about being attacked with scud missels from Iraq again. No one will fear Iraq using chemical weapons again, no one will worry about a nuclear program being developed by Iraq. And finally, this regime change will make other states that doubt Americas resolve in attacking terrorism where ever it is will think twice before they harbour terrorist and their mentalities that support hi-jacking US or other countries airliners loaded with innocent civilians and crashing them into buildings with more innocents as a legitimate means of getting what they want via blackmailing or else face terrorism.
Why all these protestors are protecting Sadam and his oppressive regime is beyond me.
PS : Who is next?