Sebastion, of course there are political agendas behind pacifism. But I think they are small in comparison with the political agendas behind war, so your argument seems like a cheap shot to me.
I consider an anti-war protest with 100 000 participants, as there was in London, quite an effective statement. It certainly is not doing nothing.
Islam is not a cruel religion and cannot be considered worse than Christianity. Please do not confuse Islamic fundamentalist groups with Islam in general. I suggest reading "The battle for God : fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam" by Karen Armstrong. I thought it gave a very impartial account of Islam, Christianity and Judaism. I read it after 9/11 because I wanted too know why people would do such a terrible thing. Now that I have a better understanding of the situation, I can't bring myself to feel hatred towards Al Qaeda.
In a nutshell, I think pacifism is simply being willing to see both sides of the argument. Calling pacifists pathetic because they don't agree with your point of view only serves to show how reasonable pacifism is in the face of war. It is far easier to resort to agression and violence than it is to understand your opponent.
I consider an anti-war protest with 100 000 participants, as there was in London, quite an effective statement. It certainly is not doing nothing.
Islam is not a cruel religion and cannot be considered worse than Christianity. Please do not confuse Islamic fundamentalist groups with Islam in general. I suggest reading "The battle for God : fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam" by Karen Armstrong. I thought it gave a very impartial account of Islam, Christianity and Judaism. I read it after 9/11 because I wanted too know why people would do such a terrible thing. Now that I have a better understanding of the situation, I can't bring myself to feel hatred towards Al Qaeda.
In a nutshell, I think pacifism is simply being willing to see both sides of the argument. Calling pacifists pathetic because they don't agree with your point of view only serves to show how reasonable pacifism is in the face of war. It is far easier to resort to agression and violence than it is to understand your opponent.