4 months old Hard Disk blowed up after a defrag ??!


Is it " normal " lol .. Even tried to delete the partition and create a new one .. and in the Fdisk utility .. i can see a lot of ascii garbage .. really fucked up .. Someone already saw something like that ? :rolleyes:

rainz said:
Is it " normal " lol .. Even tried to delete the partition and create a new one .. and in the Fdisk utility .. i can see a lot of ascii garbage .. really fucked up .. Someone already saw something like that ? :rolleyes:


Sure the disk was new and not previously used? You're not really describing if this is garbage data on the disk, or in the Fdisk application itself (which might indicate faulty RAM).

There are a few things that are well known for shortening the life of hard drives.

1. Heat/vibration - shortens the life. This ususally means your case isn't that great or well ventilated.

2. Poor PSU quality - shortens the life and can cause sudden failure. Drives like clean and solid power supplies.

3. Poor handling - shocks and bumps during shipping can cause sudden failure, often early in the life of the disk.
I did manage a long time ago to fuck up a drive to the extent where fdisk couldnt do anything with it anymore ... had to get someone with a linux bootdisk to write 0's to the first couple of Ks of the drive (overwriting partition tables, boot records etc) before I could get MSDOS's fdisk to even format the thing.

So it might just be your partition tables which are FUBAR (maybe pqmagic can handle it, or otherwise use linux). Then the question remains how it got to that state, and wether it is a fault in the HD. If you can get the drive to work again after a proper formatting then there is a decent chance it wasnt.
Memory corruption could then be at fault, are you OCing?
MfA said:
I did manage a long time ago to fuck up a drive to the extent where fdisk couldnt do anything with it anymore ... had to get someone with a linux bootdisk to write 0's to the first couple of Ks of the drive (overwriting partition tables, boot records etc) before I could get MSDOS's fdisk to even format the thing.

So it might just be your partition tables which are FUBAR (maybe pqmagic can handle it, or otherwise use linux). Then the question remains how it got to that state, and wether it is a fault in the HD. If you can get the drive to work again after a proper formatting then there is a decent chance it wasnt.
Memory corruption could then be at fault, are you OCing?

No i'm not OCing and btw the compu store got it back ! I was lucky enough to still be able to exchange it for a SATA 120GB Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 and i had to pay only 15$ more. ( the old one was an ATA133 ) So finally i'm happy of the end .. excepted for the 80~90 GB of progs/games lost ... i'll have to reinstall again and again all my things :(


Oh and the tech at the compu store has tested it ... ( he wanted to see if i'm liar or what ? ) and he wasnt able to boot his comp when he plugged it .. lol It was a short test ;)
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
rainz said:
Is it " normal " lol .. Even tried to delete the partition and create a new one .. and in the Fdisk utility .. i can see a lot of ascii garbage .. really fucked up .. Someone already saw something like that ? :rolleyes:


Sure the disk was new and not previously used? You're not really describing if this is garbage data on the disk, or in the Fdisk application itself (which might indicate faulty RAM).

In the Fdisk application if you press " 4 " to display the drives you have ... then everything about it was totally fucked up ... like 2 lines long of ascii garbage ..

Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
There are a few things that are well known for shortening the life of hard drives.

Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
1. Heat/vibration - shortens the life. This ususally means your case isn't that great or well ventilated.

Yeh i'm always Moonwalking behind my comp ;)

Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
2. Poor PSU quality - shortens the life and can cause sudden failure. Drives like clean and solid power supplies.

I have an ANTEC TruePower 430W i should be ok and soon an UPS

Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
3. Poor handling - shocks and bumps during shipping can cause sudden failure, often early in the life of the disk.

Yeh always trying to be prudent !
