Could we please stop comparing the polygon counts and such when one of the images is clearly not a 100% screenshot? Either it's been edited, resized and filtered otherwise, or it's a magazine scan, or it's been photographed from a TV/monitor - I can't really decide, but it's not a direct feed image for sure.
This also obviously effects image quality, a lot of the realtime rendering artifacts (lack of AA, low quality texture filtering, shading precision etc) are blured out.
I'd also suggest looking at this rendered image as the compression is obviously better and it shows a lot more details:
Some things making the realtime image inferior that you can still see:
- ingame version uses a more simple shader, simple additive speculars resulting in orangish skin highlights, instead of HDR reflection, making the surface look metallic
- lack of SSS (subtle, but important effect) look at the right ear of the rendered face
- problematic self-shadows in the insides of the nostrils and the ears
They've clearly gone to great lenghts to smooth out the silhouettes of the highest LOD face model for the hero character, so that you don't catch poly edges even in the close views. We've built 1100-1300 poly faces, those can get a bit edgy in closeups, adding about 500-800 polygons should do the trick for a realtime image when combined with normal mapping.
The actual difference between the poly counts is probably at least an order of magnitude, if not two. This can be spotted in the fidelity of the shading but we'd need a clearer image of the realtime version for that. Until we get such, the entire topic is quite useless...