london-boy said:
Deepak said:
*me waits for LB to post in this thread*.....or anything related to Maya. :)

I know,i know i have become complaicent... I looked over this thread and never had the time or will to respond. In fact i still haven't had the time to check out the video...

Anyway, i'm still waiting for Maya 6 and the [PR talk] unlimited, endless possibilities it gives artists, with new, advanced, sophisticated features that have made Maya the world leading 3D package! [/PR talk] ;)

bah, the only reason i am even considering the upgrade from v5 is the new hair. furr is dandy, but it just cant do long hair. still im not sure it's worht the bandwi... err... money
Sage said:
i happen to prefer quicktime player. it's light and compact, especially as opposed to some other bloated apps (wmplayer? :rolleyes: )

media player classic does not = wmplayer. :)

and quicktime is hardly compact considering the initial installer weighs in at 11MB for windows and 19MB for mac OSX

mpc runs from a single exe and is only 1.3MB in size, is very flexible with filters and codecs and plays pretty much everything.
Is there a story how they selected "Maya" name?? Is it an abbreviation? Bec'se Maya is an Indian (Sanskrit) name.
london-boy said:
Deepak said:
Is there a story how they selected "Maya" name?? Is it an abbreviation? Bec'se Maya is an Indian (Sanskrit) name.

Google it! I've always thought about that too...

i thought of that already and didnt come up with anything :(
Likely it has got it's name from Mexican Maya indians, who were skilled in mathematics and architecture (3D graphics is mathematics and architecture, sort of i guess)
i happen to prefer quicktime player. it's light and compact, especially as opposed to some other bloated apps
How "i happen to prefer" can mean "industry standard" is beyond me. I know heaps of CG artists and studios who don't use Macs for their editing nor the .mov format for their animations.

This whole "I won't even view .wmv media" sounds like the attitude of a Mac enthusiast just re-inforcing his prejudices. Limiting yourself to that side of the force can only result in missing out on some of the best CG out there...
Gollum said:
i happen to prefer quicktime player. it's light and compact, especially as opposed to some other bloated apps
How "i happen to prefer" can mean "industry standard" is beyond me. I know heaps of CG artists and studios who don't use Macs for their editing nor the .mov format for their animations.

yeah, i know many CG artists and studios who dont use Macs for video editing also. But, all of the ones I know will acknowledge that, short of a full-blown Avid setup, Final Cut Pro is the best. If you go to any film school or workshop then youll see Final Cut Pro everywhere, and usually little to nothing of anything else. I also know heaps of people and even studios who use Poser for actual production work... that doesn't really put a dent in Maya's and XSI's solid foundation. It's kind of like saying "I know lot's of people who use GIMP, so Photoshop is hardly an industry standard."

This whole "I won't even view .wmv media" sounds like the attitude of a Mac enthusiast just re-inforcing his prejudices. Limiting yourself to that side of the force can only result in missing out on some of the best CG out there...

I don't own a Mac. I dont even own an iPod. The only thing from Apple that I own is stock, and that's based on purely a matter of mathematics. I don't like .wmv because, for one, you HAVE to use MS's player and, secondly, I don't like how it has to "check for a lisence" every single time it plays it. And you dont have a choice but to upgrade WMPlayer because a lot of things it wont play without upgrading to include the DRM crap. I don't know what exactly it's communicating, but I don't want anyone to be able to track what I'm watching. Anyone with half a brain knows that practically no Mac users are going to be able to view .wmv and because Macs are so common and, indeed perferred, in the film industry
From the description I read (and if I understood correct) from the link above, "Maya" is the world we live in, and this world is an illusion (it's like in the Matrix :) ), thus a man should try and break free from this illusion and reach for the real state of being (Moksha) which is better than this Maya illusion.

So, if Maya got it's name from this, it would be kinda cool, but a little backwards at the same time. As this Maya is not an illusion of something better, but something that one should escape from.
Sage said:
But, all of the ones I know will acknowledge that, short of a full-blown Avid setup, Final Cut Pro is the best.
No argument there, its a more than capable solution for its price!

It's kind of like saying "I know lot's of people who use GIMP, so Photoshop is hardly an industry standard."
Photoshop is one of the very few applications in this industry that can claim to be an industry standard. Neither Maya nor Final Cut Pro can make the same claim. Both have contless competing packages and while both can claim to be among the currently most popular solutions, they're not spead widely enough to be considered industry standard.

Refusing to watch .wmv files on an unbased assumption of Quicktime's status as industry standard, is like applying for an animation job at a XSI house and saying "if you want me to work here you'll have to switch to Maya, everybody knows its the industry standard"... :?

I don't own a Mac. I dont even own an iPod.
Sorry, its just that I've heard arguments like this from countless other people before, and they were all Mac users. No hard feelings, okay? :)

I don't like .wmv because, for one, you HAVE to use MS's player
Err... you don't. There's plenty of alternative (free) players out there that can play .wmv media, even Winamp will play .wmv files! As for automatically checking for licenses, that's a "feature" of media player (which, I'll say it again, you don't have to use!). Both .mov and .wmv have DRM features, most movies available in both formats don't use any of those though. Deactivating Mediaplayers automatic license check and other "dubious" features is probably the first thing anybody should do after installing a fresh copy of Windows or WMP (a nice tool named XPAntispy will switch off all that crap for you in a matter of seconds). So next time you complain about something, get your information straight first. This is hardly rocket science! ;)
Gollum said:
Refusing to watch .wmv files on an unbased assumption of Quicktime's status as industry standard, is like applying for an animation job at a XSI house and saying "if you want me to work here you'll have to switch to Maya, everybody knows its the industry standard"... :?
now I strongly disagree with that. The issue is that Final Cut Pro is pretty much the defacto for production video editing, and if you're using FCP then you have a Mac. If you have a Mac then it's extremely unlikely that you would have the capability to view .wmv. I see it as doing the artists a favor- they know using .wmv won't even be viewed and so they learn to use something more standard. Now, if I were a potential employer using anything but a Windows PC chances are I wouldn't email them saying "Hey, I can you send me a non-wmv version of your animation?" Nope, I'd just skip right over it and go on to the next guy's. And, yes, competitions are prime places for hunting fresh talent. In the long run, it helps the artist.

I don't own a Mac. I dont even own an iPod.
Sorry, its just that I've heard arguments like this from countless other people before, and they were all Mac users. No hard feelings, okay? :)
nah, no hard feelings. I did say i don't own a Mac, not that I don't greatly prefer working on them ;)

I don't like .wmv because, for one, you HAVE to use MS's player
Err... you don't. There's plenty of alternative (free) players out there that can play .wmv media, even Winamp will play .wmv files! As for automatically checking for licenses, that's a "feature" of media player (which, I'll say it again, you don't have to use!). Both .mov and .wmv have DRM features, most movies available in both formats don't use any of those though. Deactivating Mediaplayers automatic license check and other "dubious" features is probably the first thing anybody should do after installing a fresh copy of Windows or WMP (a nice tool named XPAntispy will switch off all that crap for you in a matter of seconds). So next time you complain about something, get your information straight first. This is hardly rocket science! ;)

Well, I was going off of my own experience. Recently (past year or so) I have not been able to play any wm* files without Wplayer wanting to update it's DRM capabilities. I finally gave in and let it do it because there was a video that I wanted to watch REALLY bad MILF and now every time I go to play one it wants to go through its lisence thing... even when looing the same video over, whenever it goes back to the beginning it wants to do the whole song and dance! I wish there were a way to uninstall wmplayer... :devilish:

oh and I didnt know that winamp can play .wmv. heck, i didnt even know it could play video! I personally can't stand winamp, it's all about the iTunes for me.
Sage said:
now I strongly disagree with that. The issue is that Final Cut Pro is pretty much the defacto for production video editing, and if you're using FCP then you have a Mac. If you have a Mac then it's extremely unlikely that you would have the capability to view .wmv.
I think you're barking up the wrong tree here. First I would still argue that FCP is merely one of the most widely used tools for video editing, not the defacto standard. Then I would have to add that just because editing might be done on a Mac doesn't have anything to do with the format of the final output, nor with the platform choice of intended viewers. If the editor uses a Mac that's fine, its only one tiny step in the production process though. The CGI artists are still much more likely to use Linux or Windows platforms, and management and human resources types are probably stuck with Windows too.

I see it as doing the artists a favor- they know using .wmv won't even be viewed and so they learn to use something more standard. Now, if I were a potential employer using anything but a Windows PC chances are I wouldn't email them saying "Hey, I can you send me a non-wmv version of your animation?" Nope, I'd just skip right over it and go on to the next guy's. And, yes, competitions are prime places for hunting fresh talent. In the long run, it helps the artist.
I agree with your comments about competitions in general. If you're entering a competition there's usually specific requirements to submit your media in though, as long as animators stick to those they should be fine. I just don't think your argument chain of "FCP>standard>only on Mac>media needs to me .mov" holds much weight, that's all.

Maybe I should add that I'm not exactly trying to argue that people SHOULD use .wmv, I'm just arguing against the opinion of .mov being the only acceptable format for animation. :)

I did say i don't own a Mac, not that I don't greatly prefer working on them ;)
I've worked on Macs for long periods of time in the past (though not during the past 2 years) and I honestly never saw what Mac enthusiasts make such a fuss about. They crashed on me just as often as Windows machines (the error messages are more sensical but don't exactly help either) and the software used is 95% identical anyway. Not trying to turn this into a Mac vs. PC discussion, its just that nowadays the differences between wotking on both platforms are negligibe IMO. Macs are mostly a question of style and cash than anything else these days...

Well, I was going off of my own experience. Recently (past year or so) I have not been able to play any wm* files without Wplayer wanting to update it's DRM capabilities. I finally gave in and let it do it because there was a video that I wanted to watch REALLY bad MILF and now every time I go to play one it wants to go through its lisence thing... even when looing the same video over, whenever it goes back to the beginning it wants to do the whole song and dance! I wish there were a way to uninstall wmplayer... :devilish:
Just use a different player - Zoom Player comes to mind, small, compact, plays pretty much everything that moves, free...

oh and I didnt know that winamp can play .wmv. heck, i didnt even know it could play video! I personally can't stand winamp, it's all about the iTunes for me.
I was just giving an example, not trying to convert you. ;)
Gollum said:
I just don't think your argument chain of "FCP>standard>only on Mac>media needs to me .mov" holds much weight, that's all.
that's not what I was saying. I was saying that .mov is an acceptable standard, and .wmv is not. I think .mpeg is also a good standard, although I personally am not a fan of .avi.