[360, PS3] RAGE Discussion

In this case Im not understand why multiplatform games suffer on texture quality like PS3<xbox360<PC

That's because those games use a different texture engine. One that mostly relies on having as many textures as possible in RAM and so gives better results with more RAM.
Latest giantbomb cast has Brad shoemaker talking about Rage.
One thing he said was that there comes a point midway through the game in which you switch discs. The switch is permanent and you won't need to switch back to the first one. So, he said that something happens in the story which prevents you from returning to the areas on disc 1. So, we can relax the fear that xbox owners would be switching back and forth between discs.
Shack: Speaking of Rage, how's the PlayStation 3 version coming along? Last we heard, it was running a bit slower.
Todd Hollenshead: That was actually, who was it, Edge Magazine, I think, took--honestly, they took it out of context. The reality is, it's the same media on all the platforms, so the game is going to look amazing on all of them. It's the same geometry, the same art.

The PlayStation 3 is the last of the three that we work on--it's basically PC, 360, PS3--because it has a little more...you know, tricky to engineer with it, it will typically lag behind in framerate than what the other ones are, because you just don't put the elbow grease into the programming polish to keep it as fast [at that point].

When the game ships, they're all going to run 60 hertz. In fact, there's reasons to believe that, because the way we do certain things, the technology is a little bit better for for the PS3 than it it is for the 360. It's a coin-flip as to any...I think that 99% of people [will] not be able to tell--there's not a nickel's worth of difference between the PS3 and 360 [versions] and most people won't be able to tell any. Nobody knows, it's literally up in the air if you're going to make a subjective call on this one looks better or whatever than the other one.

I mean, run speed, you can put a stopwatch on it and know how many frames you're dropping or running, but both the console SKUS are gonna look great, and of course the PC is not sort of bound by the microprocessor that's in a console box.

Not to mention hard drive space.
Todd Hollenshead: Yeah. The look-up speed on the PC hard drive obviously is going to be faster than reading off of a DVD or even a Blu-ray.

Shack: What's the DVD situation looking like with Rage on Xbox 360?
Todd Hollenshead: We'll probably have two DVDs for sure, and then the question is, will multiplayer be on a separate disc or not? Will we have to go to three?

We believe may be able to get the whole game on two DVDs. The current fallback is, if we can't, the multiplayer may--you have to come up with logical breaks, well, really, practical breaks.

It makes no sense for a player to swap that disc in multiplayer, right? That's fail. They have to keep one disc in during multiplayer, can you just put all the multiplayer content on one DVD? Even if it's duplicative of some of the content you have on the other single-player DVDs.

Does the fact that you can install Xbox 360 games to the hard drive help at all?
Todd Hollenshead: Yeah, I mean. People with hard drives, I think, will have better performance on the 360 because we'll be able to save off to the hard drive and the read speed is so much faster. I don't think it really saves us any media, because we still have to play on the Arcade units, the ones that come without the hard drive. Why they sell those, I have no idea. I think Microsoft even regrets it. [ :D ]

We do want to be able to run on all the [Xbox 360] systems, so if you've got an Arcade unit, then we've got to think, "okay, we can't install massive amounts of data." If we can't guarantee that, then we have to make sure that we have a fallback, so that could push us to three. I mean, hell, it could push us to four, I don't know.

Best case, we get it all on two, and then we'd be good. We don't think there's any way to fit it all on one. Maybe two single-player and one multiplayer, hopefully not four or five. At that point, we might have to start making decisions about compression ratios and things like that.
[ http://www.shacknews.com/featuredarticle.x?id=1182&page=2 ] ...
The whole Xbox was first to have a HD standard, then they remove it next gen from one SKU, kind of screws developers.

Well the HDD wasn't really for anything important during Xbox1 and PS2 also didn't have a HDD standard. As a whole I think developers have managed the current situation pretty well. Plus it allows Microsoft to be at a lower price point, which has imo translated into more consoles out there = more sales for the developers, so it's not all bad. And luckily it seems that that rage does improve for those that do have HDD on Xbox 360.
Why they sell those, I have no idea. I think Microsoft even regrets it.
From what Ive read the arcade is the best selling xbox360 version, thus its very debatable if MS regrets it
From what Ive read the arcade is the best selling xbox360 version, thus its very debatable if MS regrets it

MS doesn't regret it, it was a smart move at launch that became a brilliant move once the recession hit. If someone can't see the business advantage to the $199 Arcade then that's their failing.
From what Ive read the arcade is the best selling xbox360 version, thus its very debatable if MS regrets it

On Bonus Round some time ago, Michael Pachter said, that the median 360 price was 295USD. Which means it is an even split between Arcade and Elite. With an unknown number of Premiums too.
They talk about technical disadvantages IMHO...

I dunno, people can't even seem to notice the severe texture crapification that happens from stuff like quincux aa, blur filters, etc, or general image degradation from lack of msaa, so I wonder if they would really even notice the difference from extra compression on dvd Rage mt's anyways.
A few new Rage screens: http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/60096


Some of the graphics may be iffy, but Rage has hands down the best environmental detail in any game I've seen...
I dunno, people can't even seem to notice the severe texture crapification that happens from stuff like quincux aa, blur filters, etc, or general image degradation from lack of msaa, so I wonder if they would really even notice the difference from extra compression on dvd Rage mt's anyways.

An Arcade and a Pro would use the same source data... The lack of a HDD would probably cause something more noticeable: flickering between different texture resolutions as the data couldn't be read in time from the DVD.
An Arcade and a Pro would use the same source data... The lack of a HDD would probably cause something more noticeable: flickering between different texture resolutions as the data couldn't be read in time from the DVD.

Yeah that's true...but it's not like lod related pops are a new thing this gen, people are used to seeing them on most games in some form or another be it geometry pops, texture pops, entire object pops, entire level sections mistakenly culled due to visibility thread lagging behind logic thread pops, etc...

Gabrobot said:

Terrain does look great. But I still wonder how in heck anyone using this tech will be able to make downloadable demos of their games fit to around 1gb.
Terrain does look great. But I still wonder how in heck anyone using this tech will be able to make downloadable demos of their games fit to around 1gb.
Indeed, it's especially interesting considering Carmack continuously praises DD.
On Bonus Round some time ago, Michael Pachter said, that the median 360 price was 295USD. Which means it is an even split between Arcade and Elite. With an unknown number of Premiums too.

from gamasutra september 2008
For September, we estimate that the ASP of the Xbox 360 dropped to $276, about $100 below its lifetime average and more than $50 below its average before the price drop.
today Ild say it would be in the 220-240 range

MS doesn't regret it
I agree

O(n)T - I wouldnt mind going exploring in this desert
Well that could be all 60GB Premiums, an estimate of the mean must include discounts and sales, the max is $299, but many places sell it for less (Dell). It could be 10% Arcades and 10% Elites, we can deduce little from this number. People are using it as evidence of Arcade dominance, how? Is there more info than this?