2GB of RAM: Do We Really Need That Much?

Guys i dont know but when i had 1gb Q4 in ultra was loosing frames in a big degree..
Choppy like hell.
With 2gb however it all went away.
I dont think one needs a 512ram card, not yet anyways.
If you have 2GB, you should turn off your swapfile. That has the most noticeable effect in speeding things up.
Amazing how much having 4 DIMMS kills overclocking sometimes. On my system (Asus A8V, Opteron 144) anything above 9x260HTT fails MT86+, while with 2 DIMMs 9x300MHz is rock solid, even at 1T.
Microsoft recommends that people have a swap size 1 1/2 times the RAM installed..
Dont they know the system they have built ????
So far i have 3gb swap file on a 16mb cache Sata2 HD and i have no problem in anything.
HellasVagabond said:
Microsoft recommends that people have a swap size 1 1/2 times the RAM installed..
Dont they know the system they have built ????

Actually, they don't... recommend 1.5xRAM that is, not that they're unaware of how their own system works. ;)


Microsoft said:
The current algorithm Windows uses to set the default paging file size is:
• If total physical RAM is less than 2 gigabytes (GB), the paging file is set to 1.5 times the amount of RAM or 2 GB, whichever is smaller.
• If total physical RAM is equal to or greater than 2 GB, the default size is set to 2 GB.

The "set your page file to one and a half times your ram" advice that you can find all over the internet is a fallacy perpetuated by the fact most people don't have 2gb or more of memory.



Microsoft said:
There is no specific recommendation for page file size. Your requirements will be based on the hardware and software that you use and the load that you put on the computer.
It is pretty silly to suggest that 1.5x ram since the more you have the less swapping.
However it may be benefical to have the swap file= your ram amount so you can do full memory dumps should your system crash.
Bludd said:
No, don't do this. It is silly for any modern operating system to have a pagefile of size 0.

RAM, Virtual Memory, Pagefile and all that stuff

Well, there is a problem with that strategy: not only are individual processes limited to 2 GB, but all your (user space) programs together are as well! And while the kernel can use some more, it only uses 64 MB at most in any case.'

So, the only thing that could benefit would be disk cache. It would be really silly to swap that. And if you don't use a page file, it eliminates the most common use of that swap file in the first place.

It might have an effect, if most programs that require the memory didn't use their own memory manager. But they do.

The only real benefit is when you set the flag on boot that allows all user space programs together to use 3 GB. That is, if you run multiple memory-devouring programs at the same time, that really use all that. And if you want to do it that way, just put 3 GB into your machine, hope your motherboard supports it, and turn off your swapfile. Because in that case, there would be no use whatsoever in having that.

And if Microsoft says differently, I would like some proof. Being a programmer and all, I think I have a pretty good grasp about how that is supposed to work.
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Yes, for a gamer who likes to run games with high detail, you need 2gigs to get smooth gameplay in some games. I would not go back to 1gig if someone paid me to do so.
fallguy said:
I would not go back to 1gig if someone paid me to do so.
Shame, as I was just about to offer you a £10,000 a month contract to do just that. Darn, you must be kickin' yourself now...
I'm using a 2GB page file :LOL:
I made it big when I had 512MB, now I have 1GB.
I could use another 512mb though :smile:
I don't play BF2...
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Diplo said:
I've never played a game that doesn't run perfectly smooth with 1GB of RAM. The idea that you now need 2GB is, frankly, bollocks and probably perpetuated by the people who insist you need a 750W PSU. There may be a few isolated cases where 2GB might help with transfering textures to video memory and you might avoid a very occasional hitch. However, if a game requires 2GB of RAM to avoid constant hitches then there's something wrong with it's engine.

*feh* 750W just isn't enough anymore. You need this: http://www.bjorn3d.com/read.php?cID=870 :)