2GB OCZ Dual Channel PC3200 Platinum DDR Memory


I want to ask two thing's about this memory, is it combatile with my Asus-A8N-SLI Deluxe motherboard? Im asking this because the website doesnt state this is combatile with the motherboard. http://www.ocztechnology.com/support/motherboard/ also i want to ask about this memory being combatile with my Gigabyte GA-8S661FXMP ?

Im buying this memory for the reason that its a great overclocker!!!
26 views and you expect someone with ultimate knowledge of mobo and memory compatibility to have stopped by the thread and neglected to reply? :D Look, buddy... There's literally a hundred+ current and more or less enthusiast mobos out there, and dozens of enthusiast memory modules. Very few people will actually be able to answer a question as specific as yours (does X randomly picked mobo work with Y randomly picked memory module). Email OCZ if you really want to find out, because this really isn't a modder type forum, or ask on the [H]ardforum for example where there is a much bigger crowd of the type of people that could perhaps have the knowledge you seek...

Since A64s have the memory controller on the processor instead of the motherboard, I don't know why it would have any motherboard compatability issues. Odds are the only reason they didn't list your motherboard on their website is because they haven't tested it. If you want to be sure, you should ask them.
Ok thanks guy's ive already ask OCZ about this a month ago but still no reply so i thought that somebody here would know anything about this memory being combatile with my MB.
Crusher said:
Since A64s have the memory controller on the processor instead of the motherboard, I don't know why it would have any motherboard compatability issues. .

Because the signal isn't transferred from the RAM to the CPU by magic.