The term superscalar was meant to describe the simultaneous issue to several scalar ALUs/pipelines. So while the SIMD extensions of CPUs blur the line a bit of course, a normal CPU is a superscalar CPU anyway (look at the Integer-core!), just with some shallow vector unit(s) attached to it, which may (intel) or may not (AMD) use the same scheduler. So they effectively unify both concepts, scalar and vector pipelines both allowing the simultaneous issue of instructions.
The fundamental thing is that "scalar" describes a
value (and not an instruction!) representable by a single number, a vector is represented by several numbers. That's where the fundamental distinction between scalar processors and vector processors originated: does an instruction operate on scalars (single values as operands) or on vectors (operands are vectors)? The evolution to superscalar processors didn't change that fundamental difference, adding the simultaneous issue to scalar ALUs. Of course you can add the same to vector processors. But starting to call vector processors now superscalar because of their capability for simultaneous issue of instructions appears a bit ridiculous to me. Scalar vector units, seriously?

But that tells me, that nvidia's marketing works after all