20" Ws Lcd


Looking to replace my almost five and half year old LG Flatron 795FT CRT - given up waiting for SED. It's been utterly reliable and still provides a superb image. However it's huge for a less than 16" viewable area, and if I replace it before it fails I can keep it as a backup.

Looking for a 20" widescreen LCD. Primary use will be gaming, web browsing and word processing. Want DVI - HDCP would be nice, but is not essential - and a good stand particularly wrt height adjustment. No need for webcam, tuner or speakers.

Typically be used a lot, so obviously looking at good quality. Prepared to pay £200-£400, though the lower half of that range would be nice so I could replace it before the end of its 'natural' life if SED ever comes out.

I recently replaced a dying 19" iiyama, which I loved to bits with an NEC Multisync 20WGX2 from scan. After some initial shocks (boy the 'opticlear' screen is shiny!) and basically getting used the way TFT looks vs CRT I now love it to bits too.

Bottom line is TFT/plamsa still falls way short of CRT in terms of colour reproduction and clarity but for a desktop PC (gaming, web browsing and word processing) I wouldn't go back :)

Only downside of the 20WGX2 is no hdmi - IIRC the US version has it :(

Rob J
HDMI != HDCP, the NEC has HDCP on the DVI input.

The NEC 20WMGX2 is the best 20.1" widescreen that you can currently buy. It has an S-IPS panel and has beautiful image. It has a wide range of inputs as well including component if you have a game console that will work with that for instance, a nice benefit. It is pricey however but within your budget I would imagine.
Thanks for the replies.

You two are talking about too different monitors:

20WGX2 = European version, no HDCP

20WMGX2 = US version, with HDCP

pocketmoon66, what's the stand like on the NEC?

Wow, that's major suckage about the European version not having HDCP. I figured it would be the same...

Anyway, its the best image quality of the 20" unless for some reason they use a different panel as well.
Shame, though I was slightly worried about the shiny screen as well - there's direct line of sight from a light bulb to my screen.
Have you checked out the Dell's? They can be a mixed bunch (as in their specs change from time to time) but there are some truly cracking deals to be had in their range.
The best WS 20" LCD screen at the moment is the Samsung 206BW.
(There's a review in french [url="http://www.lesnumeriques.com/article-203-1752-36.html]here[/url])
Additionnal features come a distant second to me after screen speed, color correctness, HDCP...
(After all you're after the best image quality, right ?)

If you're going image quality why would you go with a TN panel? The Samsung doesn't come close to what the NEC offers, that's why the Samsung is nearly half the price. Also following what Samsung has done with their 226BW, I wouldn't be surprised with the panel's are very hit and miss for the 206BW. There's really nothing special Samsung has done other than update their TN panel and put it in a stylish body. Still a 6-bit panel, still not high end, etc. While that may be fine (It is for me, I went with a 22" TN panel myself) for many, claiming it as the best 20" and for image quality is simply wrong.
Problem with DELL screens (and some samsung's too) is that there's no guarantee about what panel you'll get, there are several different panel equiping the same model...

That means you can't trust reviews too much, which sucks really, that's like selling a car with no guarantee of what the engine will be...

Don't know about those Philips screens.

If you want highest quality there's the Samsung XL20 with LED backlight and wide color range, but it's not Wide Screen.
(oh and it's extremely expensive, but you can check it just for fun)
Decided 20" might be a little too small. And, so I have read, all 22" screens are TN, decided to put off my purchase for now.
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The Dell 24" are sweet. I really like my 2405 LCD. They had a special going on a week or two ago, with the 2407 sellign for around $540. No idea of what bargains can be had in the UK on them though.