1TFlop robot from Sony



Sony prepares to make the Qrio smarter than us

Posted Jun 21, 2004, 9:15 AM ET by Gareth Edwards Related entries: Robots

According to the Nikkei newspaper, Sony’s next project for its little Qrio robot is to up its brainpower to near-supercomputer levels. Given its size, it doesn’t come as much of a surprise to find that they’re not going to try and shoehorn something into its head. Instead, the plan is to link it via a high-speed wireless connection to a grid of 250 computers that’ll do the thinking. The upshot is that rather than giving the Qrio instructions, they’ll be letting it work things out for itself. Details beyond that are scant (we can’t find a press release on this from Sony yet, either), but we assume they’re thinking of something considerably more advanced than having it wander around and avoid walking into the walls. Given how big an emphasis Sony has placed so far on making the Qrio appear to interact naturally with the meat world, it seems safe to suppose that further improving its social skills could well be a big part of the latest grand experiment.

Could this be the preparation of a cell driven Qrio?


PS: In a German news post they talk about 1TFlop
That doesn't sound bad.The first Qrio robot amazed me when I found that the thing could not only communicate with you,but it could run,move,and catch its balance in the way of a human.Inserting a Cell chip in it could increase its functionality to who knows what level.I say go ahead and do it.We may be a lot closer to AI than we know.
Actually, if I wanted to make poorly founded predictions based on this I would say it is the preparation for a PS3 accessory :)
MfA said:
Actually, if I wanted to make poorly founded predictions based on this I would say it is the preparation for a PS3 accessory :)

"Kick Spot: The Video Game" :LOL:
Oh boy. New sony toy. Play t4 with real life robots wipeing out the human race.

Told you sony was going to be the death of us !!!!

Well skynet was something like 60tflops . So we might have afew years left :arrow:
jvd said:
Oh boy. New sony toy. Play t4 with real life robots wipeing out the human race.

Told you sony was going to be the death of us !!!!

Well skynet was something like 60tflops . So we might have afew years left :arrow:

I dunno...I did see a smouldering hemisperical ditch in my garden the other day...and a naked woman walking away from it...Nah...just my imagination...
Actually, if I wanted to make poorly founded predictions based on this I would say it is the preparation for a PS3 accessory :)

"Kick Spot: The Video Game"

Actually Deka Voice already supported syncing an Aibo to the in-game dog character, so it's not as unheard of as you might thing...

Oh boy. New sony toy. Play t4 with real life robots wipeing out the human race.

Nah! Just "western" societies, they're the ones with the robot and machine paranoia psychosis... :p
:oops: hm.........

Robocop: Enter the Robo-dawg :LOL: yup... we're doomed to a military state under control of Robodogs.
Its okay i built a fall outshelter under my house and I got some cool toys to use against the robots . I will last long enough to capture some of the machines and reprogram them using modified dreamcasts to stop this from happening.

There ya go. . Problem solved.
Alstrong said:
stock up on water guns :D

You think 1Tflop of Sony Cell power will be outsmarted by a water gun??? Think again mistah, but think quickly because them PS3s are really getting pissed over you calling them stupid like that! :D
Waterguns will be useless... They'll just adapt CyberShot waterproof shells to protect themselves...

Its okay i built a fall outshelter under my house and I got some cool toys to use against the robots . I will last long enough to capture some of the machines and reprogram them using modified dreamcasts to stop this from happening.

Valiant effort, but all for not. Your DC robots will be outnumbered, and while efficient, will not have the computational power to outsmart the Sony robots.

You're only hope would be to call Microsoft, but they'll be too busy launching Windows.GALAXY in attempt to make Windows the center of the Universe. Oh and Intel and AMD will be too occupied stepping over each other making CPUs to run .GALAXY, to bother helping you out too...
archie4oz said:
Valiant effort, but all for not. Your DC robots will be outnumbered, and while efficient, will not have the computational power to outsmart the Sony robots.

Stalemate...as all Aibo's stop fighting as the DC robots use guerilla tactics convincing the Aibos that DC had better filtering than PS2s...Aibos runway in disbelief and self destruct when colliding with XB robots that have collapsed under their sheer sizes...
heck let me install windows 95 on one sony robot. The Sony Robo-dog Collective will then crash as it tries to patch all the blue screens and memory leaks.
Can we work Chewbacca into this somehow? No story is great unless it's got Chewbacca in it.

[syncs with guitar riff...] I am Chewbacca...I am a wookie...I live on Endor...

That would be such cool PR if Sony was able to build a working replica of a Terminator using a Cell chip to drive it. :oops: I wonder if doing that would spook out some sci-fi weenies? Would someone seriously see this as "the sign" of the coming mechanized age to erradicate the human race?

Just a thought- they should make sure to put that 3 robot directives thingy in ROM. :)
randycat99 said:
Just a thought- they should make sure to put that 3 robot directives thingy in ROM. :)

Umm, you mean like, these...?

1> Serve the public trust
2> Protect the innocent
3> Uphold the law


randycat99 said:
That would be such cool PR if Sony was able to build a working replica of a Terminator using a Cell chip to drive it. :oops: I wonder if doing that would spook out some sci-fi weenies? Would someone seriously see this as "the sign" of the coming mechanized age to erradicate the human race?

Yeah great PR! Imagine that:

Buy a Playstation 3 today and contribute to human eradication by the machines in a near future!

I just wanna see one of those Terminator machines walk around with all dem shiny actuators and $hit! :D It's still a big leap from that to taking over the world, so I'm not too worried. :?

Say- who do you think would win- a Terminator or a "Blade Runner" Replicant? :?:

That would be kinda neat if someone came up with a chart that showed how many FLOPs it takes to do various sorts of human activities of increasing sophistication- sitting there like a drooling baby==>crawling==>walking==>talking==>playing basketball==>erradicating human race one bullet at a time...