GeForce3 Ti200, Ti500, GeForce4 MX440 & Ti4600 shootout with 1GHz CPU at 3DPulpit
Discussions and comments welcomed here.
Discussions and comments welcomed here.
Reverend said:LittlePenny, look at the SSamSE and MP scores... a GF4 really isn't that much faster than the other cards... so, yes, "decent" framerates is with a Ti4600 but the other cards aren't too far behind this "decent" framerates. With a faster CPU and a GF3, how can framerates be lower?!? A system with a faster CPU has to be faster, AA or no AA, even with a GF3.
with a 1.1GHz CPU, 1024x768x32bits + 4xAA on the GeForce4 Ti4600 is definitely playable.
Reverend said:You cannot really generalize too much.
Reverend said:The short of it is that it comes down to the chosen resolution. You will always see an increase in framerates with a faster CPU
pascal, SSamSE and MP supports HW T&L, dunno about F1 2001 to be honest.