Deepak said:
GO, you can't deny the fact that military research has benefitted mankind immensly and has been a stepping stone for further research.
That's not what I'm saying, read what I actually AM saying dammit.

I'm saying money is better spent on actually making stuff that benefits mankind than on making stuff that will blow mankind up and hoping something that benefits mankind will come out of it as a freebie.
Not that hard to understand is it?
Who designed Saturn V, the german guy who had been responsible for V2 earlier.
But he actually started experimenting/building rockets BEFORE the german military became involved, so again, rockets are not something the military invented, or came out of military research. Military money furthered the field, but that's not the same thing.
Generally speaking, it's much easier to get the money you need if you say "we need $4bn to build a launch vehicle to send a bomb over to the enemy side and blow them up" than say "we need $4bn to build a launch vehicle to send people to the moon". So it's no wonder the military has become a way to get costly stuff built, but what we NEED is rockets that go to the moon, not rockets that send bombs to other countries. Hence the military is a waste of money, time and resources (and not to mention lives as well I might add).
And BTW, all civilian rocket programmes have worked closely (read under) respective militaries.
Not all. And even in the US, NASA is not under the US military btw, so you're clearly wrong on both counts.
And a special reply to Epic:
Did I say Carmack invented everything himself? No, so quit yer yappin, alright?