1080p, 2xMSAA, and 60fps? Ok, I totally underestimated these folks. True, VT3 is in smallish stadiums (predictable rendering) and originally an arcade game with a NV40 class GPU, but they are looking at a 31.6MB framebuffer. That is 4 tiles (unless they fiddle around to get into 3) at 60fps. Quite impressive for a port.
I cannot wait to see the 720p "native next gen" version down the road
Actually for this game the res increase is put to good use as your dealing with a small object that (can) moves fast on screen. To me in this case I'd put res/framerate > character/stadium detail.
Not that I can take full advantage, but I'm glad for the people that can. :smile:
Regarding the dev team that handled the port - kudos indeed! AM who?
I'm curious to see how dev team support will be deligated in the future.