Terminator 2D: No Fate (Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo, PC)

Yeah, that looks like a perfect Steam Deck title to me.

Paraphrasing one of the YouTube comments: This is the game I dreamed about in the 90s while wandering around the arcades.
this looks like the Terminator 2 game we deserved in the 90s. Looking forward to it.
Anyone played the Midway lightgun arcade in the 90s? Clear flashbacks from that one. Gameplay looks delightfully diverse.
dunno how good this game is going to be, but the best Terminator game I've played to date is Terminator: Resistance. A good game.
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Same devs that did Resistance also did RoboCop: Rogue City
ps: I have these 2 beauties from the 90's
Trivia: Future shock can be played within skynet which upgrades the graphics to 640x480
Both games support vr headsets
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Terminator Dark Fate Defiance is on sale on Steam.

Steam trailer:
