UBIsoft in potential financial trouble

Any statistics on that? What about games like the newer Tomb Raiders, or Control, or Returnal? Are these 'guys games' with female protagonists?

I cant pull up a study, but the numbers I´ve heard from people who have seen studies, show that for the types of console and PC games we´re usally talk about are its somewhere around a 85-15 or a 75-25 ratio.

And this really isnt no surprise. From what Ive seen all my life is that women generally arent as interessted in video games as men, and when they do play games its often nintendo type games. Like Johnny Awesome has pointed out, men and women generally like different things.

Same thing with star wars. Guys love star wars. Its a fantasy thats really appealing to us. Some girls like it, but not nearly as often, and from what I´ve seen they dont love it. There might be some exceptions but not nearly as much as guys do.
Do you have any statitics that support that star wars open world action games are played equally by both sexes? Since that claim goes angainst more or less everybodys life experience I would says its rather that claim that should be supported by stats.

Its not like a female protaganist cant work great for more male oriented games, they absolutely can. In some cases even better, I dont think Horizon would have worked as good with a male protaganist.

In this case however it seems to me they designed her to appeal to a cetain type of person rather than the target audience. People who have yearned for an open world star wars games have probably not dreamt about playing as soccer mom (who have had bad plastic surgery). Her super cute sidekick mascot does seem like something that are more appeling to women, rather than people who want to play as smuggler in the dark criminal underworld in the star wars universe. I saw that eating quicktime where they eat grilled corn togther, with al the cute animations the mascot did. That seem like a good example of what Im talking about.
calling a potential audience bad people
I took that comment to be in reference to other industry professionals who were rooting for the failure of Ubisoft, though the headlines mostly misattributed the target of the comment to be about the customer.
Do you have any statitics that support that star wars open world action games are played equally by both sexes?
Considering Outlaws is the first real open world Star Wars game we have statistics that no one is really interested in an open world Star Wars game.

I also think this idea that Ubisoft, or anyone really, should be pandering to the existing demographics instead of looking to expand those demographics isn't a strategy that leads to growth.
Same thing with star wars. Guys love star wars. Its a fantasy thats really appealing to us. Some girls like it, but not nearly as often, and from what I´ve seen they dont love it.
We have polling on this from 10 years ago, and from 6 years ago. What both of those polls show is that over 50% off female respondents like star wars, but the % of dislikes is higher than with males. It's fairly common for a female to like Star Wars, even if men like it more.
Considering Outlaws is the first real open world Star Wars game we have statistics that no one is really interested in an open world Star Wars game.

I also think this idea that Ubisoft, or anyone really, should be pandering to the existing demographics instead of looking to expand those demographics isn't a strategy that leads to growth.

We have polling on this from 10 years ago, and from 6 years ago. What both of those polls show is that over 50% off female respondents like star wars, but the % of dislikes is higher than with males. It's fairly common for a female to like Star Wars, even if men like it more.

Yeah, I could have expressed that a little better. From what I´ve been told from people who have seen studies the ratio for pc/consol action adventure games etc is like 85-15 or 75-25. Guys like star wars way more than girl. So what I meant was statistics regarding star wars games and and action/adventure games of this type.

I think the difference is way bigger than the polls you linked show. People like a lot of stuff, but there´s a difference of liking something and being passionate about something.
They can be. The protagonists have to be in some way compelling. Lara Croft is, but the soccer mom from Outlaws isn't. I don't need expensive focus groups to tell me that.

The actual psychological research is that 1/6 men care about female stuff as much as women and 1/6 women care about male stuff as much as men.

It's fundamental.

As long as entertainment studios remain blind to this, they'll keep trying to make female focused games and movies that flop because most women just aren't interested and most men don't have feminine tastes.

Btw, the error conservatives can make is that they believe men and women aren't ever interested in the same things. The error liberals can make is that there is no difference in interests between men and women.

1/6 is what the latest research shows.

It can of course get a little more complicated in the details of any one individual.
It's a good post, I'm sure there is some truth here that the Venn diagram doesn't intersect as much as people believes it does. Or at least, if it does, than the marketing sucks such that people aren't coming out to buy the game.

But at the same time we've only had this culture war recently.

I think a good example are Bioware games, dating all the way back, you could have romances with the majority of NPC characters. BG3 is also like this, you just do whatever you want, you can pursue a romance with everyone in that game. We've had games doing this for a while, suddenly these titles are 'woke' because now people have a term for it.

If there was no culture war, people would have just played the games however they wanted, when culture war became a thing, people started forming sides. We're seeing this now against Dragon Age: Veilguard. People are claiming it's woke, when since the very beginning of the franchise, people were humping everything and everyone from as early as DA1.

DA didn't get woke. It's always been like this. People are just a tirade of trying to bring shit down.

Another example is this here as well, the culture war crowd is trying to bury this game. It's a highly reviewed game, and people are trying their best to ensure sales of the games don't happen. I don't think I've seen this before. This type of behaviour makes console warring seem much tamer.

There's no woke content in this game!
In this case however it seems to me they designed her to appeal to a cetain type of person rather than the target audience.

This is the bit I can’t wrap my head around. They obviously did not intentionally make their game unappealing to their target audience. So there are only a few possibilities that make sense. Either their market research is absolutely terrible and they have no idea what their customers want. Or their research is ok but they’ve underestimated the influence of the anti-woke (or anti-Ubi) crowd. My personal guess is that most people don’t care about “soccer mom” looks because not everyone is a thirsty 13 year old boy. The game is bombing due to poor execution and the anti-wokers are just along for the ride.

amazing that they have to lock down the entry because facts get in their way

Requested removal of possible misattributed quote claiming to be from the Shinchō Kōki​

For the past two to three weeks, @Eirikr and I have been working hard to verify the origin of a quote mentioned to be from the Shinchō Kōki[1] (transcription by editor Kondō Heijō, Editor's notes here talking about Oze Hoan as mentioned below[2]) on the Yasuke article, as it had been noticeably missing from the J.S.A Eliasonas and J.P Lamers Academic Translation of the Shinchō Kōki.[3] The missing quote is as follows:

然に彼黒坊被成御扶持、名をハ号弥助と、さや巻之のし付幷私宅等迄被仰付、依時御道具なともたさせられ候、A black man was taken on as a vassal by Nobunaga-sama and received a stipend. His name was decided to be Yasuke. He was also given a short sword and a house. He was sometimes made to carry Nobunaga-sama's tools.

Yup certainly reads as a samurai and not a page. When I think samurai I think dude who carrys someone elses tools.

There is a reason why Wikipedia isn't allowed as a source in schools
Not knowing American history, that really threw me! I thought Hamilton was born to a slave, particularly how his childhood was portrayed with a black mother in a black community.
wait till you find out about Ann Boylen being black too. It was in a movie after all
This is the bit I can’t wrap my head around. They obviously did not intentionally make their game unappealing to their target audience. So there are only a few possibilities that make sense. Either their market research is absolutely terrible and they have no idea what their customers want. Or their research is ok but they’ve underestimated the influence of the anti-woke (or anti-Ubi) crowd. My personal guess is that most people don’t care about “soccer mom” looks because not everyone is a thirsty 13 year old boy. The game is bombing due to poor execution and the anti-wokers are just along for the ride.

This isn't really about "thirsty" 13 year old boys.

You don't seem to be aware of a few things here. UBI used a *real* person for the game's protagonist character and *intentionally* uglified her. Ask yourself why a game company would do that? It makes no commercial sense.

I'm actually repeating myself but some people still haven't realised what is going on here and believe this is just a bunch of incompetent game designers which don't know what they are doing.

In case of a Star Wars game I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was initiated by Disney.
This isn't really about "thirsty" 13 year old boys.

You don't seem to be aware of a few things here. UBI used a *real* person for the game's protagonist character and *intentionally* uglified her. Ask yourself why a game company would do that? It makes no commercial sense.

I'm actually repeating myself but some people still haven't realised what is going on here and believe this is just a bunch of incompetent game designers which don't know what they are doing.

In case of a Star Wars game I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was initiated by Disney.

Well it certainly isn’t about some nefarious shadow organization manipulating all of us by intentionally losing money on video games.

amazing that they have to lock down the entry because facts get in their way

Yup certainly reads as a samurai and not a page. When I think samurai I think dude who carrys someone elses tools.

There is a reason why Wikipedia isn't allowed as a source in schools
Fair fair. I was lazy when I did that. And it's a good call out.

Reading materials!


I actually agree here, SM2 is a bit too woke and Peter is way to wimpy.
Better get used to it as this is just the beginning for Playstation games as a whole. Sony want to incorporate woke ideology to eventually all their Playstation games. They have a detailed strategy about it.

And many people didn't know SM2 was woke when they bought it. Now they are going to be way more careful with the upcoming Insomniac games (or they are going to wait for the PC version and shamefully play the cracked version). I am predicting many others "gamers are indecent, gamers are bigot people" from publishers in the years to come.
And many people didn't know SM2 was woke when they bought it.
What does that even mean? Had they known it was woke, they would have avoided it? If people bought SM2 with SM2 being woke, doesn't that mean gamers don't care about games being 'woke' so long as they are good games? Or now they know Sony games are woke after the awful wokeness they experienced at the hands of SM2, gamers are going to avoid future Insomniac games because of their wokeness?
Its not only the lecturing. Its thats it so forced and done without any kind of humor or finesse. Like the mission in sm2 where youre connecting the electricity with your web so a guy can ask his boyfriend to prom on the tv. Every aspect about ít is the definition of boredom: the gameplay, the dialouge, the characters. Zzzzzz How these writers can have jobs is beyond me.

What was wrong with that side-quest? It had the same mechanics and writing as everything else in the game.
Discussion on how you feel about politics in games has moved here (RPSC thread). This thread is for discussing Ubisoft. The commercial aspects of ideologies in video games only merits inclusion here when presented in relation to Ubi's earnings. How you feel about the direction games might be headed isn't for here but is clearly an RPSC discussion.
the main source is involved with locke

Ubisoft is most definitely allowed to base their games on some books that can be in debate whether accurate or not.

I don't see the issue in this, and it doesn't bring into any particular political argument here on their use of basing a character based on this book. In fact given the success of the book, one could see why it may be desirable to base it on the stories written in the book.