Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 [PS5, XBSX|S, PC]

Here's something fun, an actual Surgeon talking about what it would take to create an Astartes (Space Marine) and what are the closest modern day equivalents to the organs that are implanted. :)

It's the first video in a series.

New gameplay footage from Steam's Warhammer 40k sales festival.

My god I am so excited. I know I (almost) never pre-order stuff, but as soon as this is available for pre-order, I'm pre-ordering the gdamn thing. I'm such a sucker. :p

Reviews are up. Pretty positive across the board.

Looks really good on the consoles even the XSS. XSX seems to be doing quite a bit better than the PS5.

84 Metacritic.

IĀ“ve played quite a few missions of this, and so far my impression is that while it looks really impressive its kinda just "ok" to play.

IĀ“m playing on XSX, speed mode, and the framerate is dropping constantly. In those encounters where the framerate is 60 fps does feel better and more responsive of course, but for me the problem is the design of the gameplay. It might be that I havent figured out how to play it correclty, but I find it kind of frustrating.

Im playing on normal, my armor regenerates after not taking damage for a while. So you can bash enemies with you melee weapon or shoot them. You can also parry, dodge and do a gun power shot after doing an attack where you hold the melee button. There are also executions on weakend enemies (like in doom) which replenishes your armor.

One problem for me is that its so much stuff going on so weather IĀ“m losing all my armor or not just seem to be a matter of luck. Theres alway so many enemies from all directions so whatever Im doing Im taking loads of damage. Sometimes I manage to get thru an encounter just fine, other times IĀ“m using all my stims and getting revived by my teammates and I dont what it was I did that made the difference. There are small swarm enemies, there are big enemies, there are flooting enemies shoting posion stuff at you, there are snipers. Whenever Im focusing on one, the others drain my health, and thereĀ“s no place to get to cover because they are everywhere.

Another issue is the whole parry dodge system. Blue icon means you can parry, red icon means you must dodge, like in other games. So far so good. Often I found that I dodged an attack and started my own attack, shoting or hitting, and than the enemy made a new attack. Then I was locked in my attack I had started before he had begun his, and there wasnt any way to cancel it to dodge or parry. Other times the whole parry/dodge timing seemed off.

It looks very impressive at times (the image is quite blurry in 60 fps mode and the framerate is all of the place, probably looks amazing on a system that can handle it though), but all those hundreds of enemies doesnt really translate to a better gameplay experience in my oppinion.

I know many people are loving this so maybe Im playing it wrong. I dont know anything about warhammer, I have no idea what they are taking about in the game so I tuned out pretty early. If you like the whole warhammer thing this game is probably way more awesome, I find the warhammer thing kinda "meh".

IĀ“m still glad thereĀ“s an AAA game about shooting stuff in the face. There are no time consuming busy work, no pretiontious artsy crap. Its clear they set out to create an over the top, awesome and fun action game. Thats what we need more of. So even though this game might not suit my tastes Im hoping it sells well and Im glad people are enjoying it.
I know many people are loving this so maybe Im playing it wrong. I dont know anything about warhammer, I have no idea what they are taking about in the game so I tuned out pretty early. If you like the whole warhammer thing this game is probably way more awesome, I find the warhammer thing kinda "meh".

IĀ“m still glad thereĀ“s an AAA game about shooting stuff in the face. There are no time consuming busy work, no pretiontious artsy crap. Its clear they set out to create an over the top, awesome and fun action game. Thats what we need more of. So even though this game might not suit my tastes Im hoping it sells well and Im glad people are enjoying it.
I agree with this assessment. I got it on PC, with the intention of playing it with some friends. All of my friends refunded the game, one of them didn't even make it through the tutorial before he bounced off the game. I played it a bit more and I think it gets better, but I find that I hate the controls. I have it on PC and the KB/Mouse options make me use a weird claw grip to be able to dodge or parry. I tried with a controller, and it has some variation in the options available there, but for whatever reason, the game seams to lose focus at random, so I have to click within the game window with my mouse every once and a while to keep the controller active. But the game just feels like it's lacking something for me. I find myself hoping the mission is almost over by the time I get halfway though them.

The only part of your assessment I think I would disagree with is the "pretentious artsy crap" part. I find Warhammer itself to be fairly pretentious with character designs that veer towards artsy edgelord.
I dont want read the other posts in this thread til I finish. For "spoilers" I guess, not really story spoilers but like, game ones if that makes any sense. Reading negative impressions of games in reviews or message boards can really kill my internal hype. Which I guess is a bad commentary on me but whatever. And I dont want that to happen.

I honestly didn't know this really existed. I knew that name and all, but I guess I thought it was some weird low budget PC RTS if I thought about it at all. Then I saw a preview somewhere and realized what it actually is, is a Gears of War clone with quite excellent graphics. Like what? It was almost a sign me up right away. I wait years for new Gears and Halo games, of course I gotta get a game that looks just like Gears. I believe I skimmed the IGN review which was quite positive, 8/10 territory, so that pretty much sealed the purchase. That and the dev talking about how it was an old school throwback to simpler games etc.

Now granted I've only played maybe an hour, two half hour sessions, so there could be lots of problems to come, but so far I am absolutely loving it. This game just DRIPS with lore and atmosphere, even though I have never played any of these games. You can just tell when lore comes off REAL and authentic. you just can. It's so thick here.

And the graphics, JUST WOW. It might be the best looking game I've seen this gen. It's been a while since I fired up Gears 5, but I feel like it's AT LEAST on par, probably ahead. Which makes sense because I am playing on the default, which is 30 FPS quality mode (IIRC Gears is 60 with no 30 option). I play Destiny 2 at 60 all day and the game feels plenty smooth at 30 as far as I'm concerned. There is a 60 performance mode, which was recommended by youtube, but I guess I'm that minority according to Cerny at least, that defaults to quality mode (and again it's the games default as well).

I'm assuming this is UE5. It just looks SO GOOD. A testament to what you can do when you go open-linear or whatever they call it (linear but with some wide open battlefield spaces, like old school gears, so far anyway). I'm so impressed with the attention to detail. And I think it may be the first game that I've noticed seems to be using my Atmos soundbar well? I'm pretty sure thats broken in destiny 2. I dont know if I canh say it's the best looking current gen game, and I havent played the big PS graphical powerhouse exclusives in person this gen, but I cant say theres one thats clearly better IMO for sure for me that i've experienced or seen apparent video of. excepting maybe the gta trailer which i personally think is in game but i mean we have to see how that comes out. this feels like it's really using that current gen 12tf xsx gpu, finally, like so few games have this gen.

so far the gameplay, is very very gears-ish, and derivative of lots of sci fi movies. it seems quite a lot better than Gears tho, which is great because Gears controls feel so dated to me now, especially the grenade throws, something I really hate about Gears now. So this does seem to feel like Gears with modern controls which is a huge checkmark for me. Also, it seems to throw in a sword. And you use guns a lot but the gameplay forces you to use your sword too. Normally I hate sword/melee systems, but again in this game I'm going to make an effort and so far it seems to transcend my usual trepidation. And again so far, it doesnt borrow Gears now IMO anachronistic weapons system (Gears has tons of guns laying around, and forces them on you due to ammo constraints much like Halo, but they're mostly far more annoying than desirable IMO).

Just incredibly impressed so far, cant rave enough. Just hope it holds up, because again about an hour or something in. I noticed the game is the #1 paid game on Xbox (it's like 7 or 8 most played, but I think it's really hard to beat the GAAS on most played). So I think/hope the Xbox community has noticed how great this is and it seems they have.