Anandtech is shutting down

Damned, I'm no longer into hardware or gaming, still every now and then I check the news and Anandtech was my go to website for news and analysis.

That site is a legacy part of the internet, when it was about sound discussion, knowledgeable people, respect and next to no marketing bullcrap.
I don't know them but I hope the team can rebound somehow, in that tik-tok era with people with a 30 seconds attention spams, it is going to be rough but they are quality people, top of the class.

It reminds me when closed, it felt like the end of an era, it was a shrinking, now… I instantly came to check if the forum here was still alive along with the techreport.

Anyway, I can't say I like the century, sure tech is great but everything sour, and along with that… aging lol…

With that say, long live to B3D, and remnant of I hope an undying era ;) and techreport were fantastic sites in their prime. We’re well past the golden age of graphics hardware journalism.