When Origins was first announced i didnt think it looked interesting at all. I picked it up last summer on the ps4 when it was on sale, and I was totaly blown away. I think it has become one of my favorite games and to me it is what AC should always have been.
The stealth was SO MUCH FUN, really made you feel like a ninja assasins. The ability to mark the enemies with your eagle made you feel in control, you could plan how you wanted to apporoach each situation. Your character moved very fast, there was alot of places to hide, lots of opportunties to get to higher ground to drop assasinate your enemies, etc.
The old AC were always very frustrating to me, and often turned into trial and error. When following someone there was always some guard on the roof who spoted you, infiltrating places where more like pussles with one correct way of doing things. The eagle vision which turned everything blue and the enemies red always broke the immersion for me.
In Origins when assasinating the guy at the bathhouse you can sneak up and get to him from under the ceiling, and you can sneak out again the same way without being spoted. Its very easy, but its very fun and make you feel like an assasin, instead of being spoted 10 times because there are guards everywhere and you manage to solve the puzzle it on the 10th try.
The world was beautiful and diverse. The dungeons you find are so beautifuy crafted, there arent too many of them but they feel meaningful.
One of my favorite aspects of the AC games is to experience other historical times, and I think they did a great job here. The cities are awesome and each have a unique feel. I was realy hyped over getting to Alexandria and checking out the library.
I think the leveling system works great. To enjoy the game you cant realy be nerfed in one area, and you wont be because you can always max out everyhing and you seldom felt underpowered, but it was still fun to look forward to upgrade some aspect of your character.
Combat is serviceable. I never liked the way the combat looked. All the fast straffing makes it look like your fighing quake bots. Some attacks with some weapons often missed the target if though you were standing right in front of them. But the camera was immersive, the attacks felt powerful, the overpower attacks were fun.
The stealth was SO MUCH FUN, really made you feel like a ninja assasins. The ability to mark the enemies with your eagle made you feel in control, you could plan how you wanted to apporoach each situation. Your character moved very fast, there was alot of places to hide, lots of opportunties to get to higher ground to drop assasinate your enemies, etc.
The old AC were always very frustrating to me, and often turned into trial and error. When following someone there was always some guard on the roof who spoted you, infiltrating places where more like pussles with one correct way of doing things. The eagle vision which turned everything blue and the enemies red always broke the immersion for me.
In Origins when assasinating the guy at the bathhouse you can sneak up and get to him from under the ceiling, and you can sneak out again the same way without being spoted. Its very easy, but its very fun and make you feel like an assasin, instead of being spoted 10 times because there are guards everywhere and you manage to solve the puzzle it on the 10th try.
The world was beautiful and diverse. The dungeons you find are so beautifuy crafted, there arent too many of them but they feel meaningful.
One of my favorite aspects of the AC games is to experience other historical times, and I think they did a great job here. The cities are awesome and each have a unique feel. I was realy hyped over getting to Alexandria and checking out the library.
I think the leveling system works great. To enjoy the game you cant realy be nerfed in one area, and you wont be because you can always max out everyhing and you seldom felt underpowered, but it was still fun to look forward to upgrade some aspect of your character.
Combat is serviceable. I never liked the way the combat looked. All the fast straffing makes it look like your fighing quake bots. Some attacks with some weapons often missed the target if though you were standing right in front of them. But the camera was immersive, the attacks felt powerful, the overpower attacks were fun.