AMD Vega 10, Vega 11, Vega 12 and Vega 20 Rumors and Discussion

AMD compared SPECViewperf results on the AMD Vega page but used Titan Xp instead of a Quadro with its drivers/library support:
Using non Quadro GPUs for such applications can be a headache and why it scores quite low relative to Frontier - I would be curious if you find any professional visualisation publications actually testing a Titan X/Titan Xp that way, easier to find Quadro Pascal GPUs though.

I thought, we (as in the people in this thread) had mostly agreed upon that being the usual cherrypicking long before.

This phrase was not directed to peoples here.. but i have allready see some forum "afficonados" coming with that on other places..
:) That's why I like B3D so much - apart from much to learn there is for me here: People are usually very properly mannered and everyone's bias is kept in check pretty well most of the time.
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According to some analysts, 4 GB of HBM(1) used on Fiji cost ~$40. Why should 4 GB of HBM(2) cost twice as much? It's manufactured on more advanced process, the price should be comparable or slightly lower, not double.
Was there any significant competition for HBM1?
The answer is no, but now there are GP100, GV100, Lake Crest, Vega and most of these are made for high margin markets
Was there any significant competition for HBM1?
The answer is no, but now there are GP100, GV100, Lake Crest, Vega and most of these are made for high margin markets
Not sure where you're getting at: Is the competition you imply good or bad for prices?

HBM came from SK Hynix alone, HBM gen2 from Samsung (until now, apparently).
Fiji used HBM, GP100 used HBM gen2.

Now, Fiji seems EOL, HBM demand as well. HBM gen2 will be used by four chips at least. Quantity and demand will go up. Supply? Not sure.
According to some analysts, 4 GB of HBM(1) used on Fiji cost ~$40. Why should 4 GB of HBM(2) cost twice as much? It's manufactured on more advanced process, the price should be comparable or slightly lower, not double.
I'm fairly certain that cost is only relevant for 8 Hi stacks. The price doesn't rise linearly with stack height.

I expect 4 Hi stacks to be ballpark HBM1 prices.
I imagine hbm2 manufacturers would want to make profit and hence also cover r&d costs. Could be in low volume products big part of price is r&d cost needing to be covered. Would also make sense for 8hi to be more expensive due to yields and even lower volume.
Who are these people from "segment next" and how does that breakdown table of 7 year-old GPUs that keeps being pasted everywhere somehow validate their claims?

I see from their website that they're from Pakistan.
Is Pakistan a place with access to lots of trade secrets between taiwanese, south-korean and american companies?
I wondered myself, but hey, why not? Just look at for example, they are linked readily enough, also taken with a grain of salt as is proper for everyone. And they are based in Pakistan as well (interesting story about them, btw). Why should Pakistanis not have reliable industry sources?

Sure, it does not lend as naturally as people who are literally sitting on the manufacturers/designers doorsteps.

WRT to the 2010-era table I am also not sure. If legit, maybe it just servers the point of providing some clue how large discrepancies between even slightly different speed grades of memory or memory (HD 6950 vs. HD 6970) generation types (HD 5570 vs. 5670) can exist.

All things said, I don't buy 160 US-$ just for the memories just yet, but i would not rule it out completely as well.

More importantly - since even 160 US-$ is not a deal breaker for professional line of cards (Vega FE) - would be what two 4-hi stacks would cost that might be used in some RX Vega flavours. They are apparently available from Samsung as well, which introduces the competition.

Might be an interesting data point to compare, what the fast G5X in 12 or 16-GiByte quantities cost nowadays. They are from a single vendor as well, there is no competition and they are apparently profitably usable in sub-500-Euro cards.
Just look at for example, they are linked readily enough, also taken with a grain of salt as is proper for everyone. And they are based in Pakistan as well

Does wccftech release rumors of their own? AFAIR, they're simply a hub for rehashing rumors from other sites (basically videocardz wrt GPUs).
Lately their increased popularity and ad revenue led to them expanding the news to smartphones and doing a couple of game reviews here and there.

More importantly - since even 160 US-$ is not a deal breaker for professional line of cards (Vega FE) - would be what two 4-hi stacks would cost that might be used in some RX Vega flavours. They are apparently available from Samsung as well, which introduces the competition.
Yes, but what the rumor suggests is $80 per 4-Hi stack. They're saying the $160 are for 2*4-Hi stacks.
There is a large uptick in general DRAM prices currently; Up from $3/GB a year ago to $7-8/GB in today's spot.

I don't think it is unreasonable for HBM to command at least a factor two more than DDR4, that would put the lower bound on HBM/2 at $16/GB or $128 for 8GB.

I'd expect GDDR5/X to follow the same general trend, so it won't have much of a price competive advantage.

It was related to Radeon RX Vega 8GB, so $160 for 2×4-Hi stacks:
AMD Vega GPUs will use 8 GB HBM2 memory and this means that there will be two stacks used so this means that the cost of producing this will be $160.
It was related to Radeon RX Vega 8GB, so $160 for 2×4-Hi stacks:
Even more the reason to considering this rumor bogus - surely the price per GB can't be the same as HBM1, which was 1 4-Hi chip per GB
There doesn't even seem to be a source of the rumors, just popped up out of nowhere?
There doesn't even seem to be a source of the rumors, just popped up out of nowhere?

Well look like it is the guy who have do the article who have calculate thoses numbers, from where he have take them and think it was a good way to calculate that. that is another question.

I dont think anybody have seen any report about the price of HBM2, along that in fact, contract price could be way different ( specially for AMD who have been part of the developpement of HBM ( and so surely too of HBM2 ), meaning contract will reflect some R&D cost ..
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Does wccftech release rumors of their own? AFAIR, they're simply a hub for rehashing rumors from other sites (basically videocardz wrt GPUs).
Lately their increased popularity and ad revenue led to them expanding the news to smartphones and doing a couple of game reviews here and there.
Mostly, yes. Some things, especially concerning AMD, seem to originate at wccf as well, but do not ask me for a specific item please, it's just a feeling/remembering.

Yes, but what the rumor suggests is $80 per 4-Hi stack. They're saying the $160 are for 2*4-Hi stacks.
Ah. Misread the 2 in "HBM 2 8 GB stacks cost...". *doh*