Halo: Reach

If needed they could do one disc install, and then validate with the other disc. This is what Lords of Shadow will do.

Really then you have multi disc games that are functionally no different than the many Blu Ray games with a mandatory install. Either way you have an install and you play with one disc. At least for those (majority) of 360 owners with hard drive.
Except X360 games cannot have mandatory partial/full installs as a large part of the install base has no HDD and you can't expect all arcade owners to have large capacity USB thumb drives.

Maybe they'll do what Halo ODST did. One disc for Campaign and One disc for MultiPlayer modes.

Though it might be tougher to pull depending on the asset reuse between campaign and multiplayer.
Seems a campaign embargo ended and IGN just loaded like a million new Reach campaign screens up, as well as preview.
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Except X360 games cannot have mandatory partial/full installs as a large part of the install base has no HDD and you can't expect all arcade owners to have large capacity USB thumb drives.


I don't buy that, the main reason the Xbox 360 even exists or got the green light was because of the sales impact of Halo CE and Halo 2 (4 million copies sold way back in 2004) then multiplying the only XBL subs.

Microsoft has been selling X360 HDDs for almost five years now, FIVE years and the Halo fanbase (the same ones that helped Halo 3 get 8 million copies sold in 2007) are a very dedicated bunch, really dedicated bunch. And this is months after that DVD/Blu Ray Halo animated movie and comic books and novels have been out, why is it so hard for Bungie or Microsoft to not be able to see that going the 2 DVD mandatory install to enhance the game since even halo 3 and the fans would have bought it, instead they are making these legendary editions that push over $130..., Reach themed X360 small.

And seriously most X360 gamers I know don't have the same console they started out with and if they did start with an arcade unit and they were also halo players they ended up getting the HDD so they could play Halo 2 which BTW the old XBL service has been retired earlier this year so as to get Halo players off of Halo 2 online and make it more likely that they will upgrade to Reach.
Read the BWU and was impressed that there is over 40 custom assasination kills with the majority of them being mp specific while some are campaign specific.Reach is shaping up to be an amazing game and the graphics are looking top notch as well..Can't wait for the midnight launch... =))
So, what is Halo Reach missing?

Custom Game Browser
6-8 player Firefight
6 player coop SP (?)
Time / Action based spawns in Forge
Master Chief
Kitchen Sink
Flying Unicorns
3D Output

Ok, I just lost interest.

More seriously, as I do read a lot of "they couldn't pack more in!" posts on other sites, here are things I would really like to see. This is my pre-release pre-emptive "this game COULD have more" list :p Reach is looking amazing, but it could be amazing-er-er if Bungie were not so lazy :p

* MP Bots. In MP. If FF: Versus allowed more players this wouldn't be the end of the world, especially with FF on MP maps... anyhow, I would enjoy this feature for local MP.

* A Browser for active custom games. Just like the PC. Hit the "custom game" filter and browse games in progress. A small note about player count (open/max), ping, locked, map, if modified, and rules (CTF, Slayer, etc) with the option to see "Advanced" info (fuller rule details). Would have been VERY simple. Promised for Halo 3 and retracted at launch. Booh!

* 6 player FireFight Versus. 8 would be nice, but I think 6 would be enough for super duper loooong legs. 4 Spartans vs. 2 Elites + Covenant sounds more balanced and fun. I will be doing a bit of 3v1 and laughing at my foes as I mow down 3 Spartans BUT a couple more players would have made it epic.

* Ahem... playing as an Elite against Spartans in Coop Campaign. I know, this is reaching... but this is REACH! I am dreaming of crossplayer in a relevant game. I can dream, right?

* The ability to carry multiple AAs. Mainly a wish for custom games. Hitting Dpad to cycle through AAs would have been so sweetly Crysis like!

* More robust custom game rule changes / Forge. Phases objects in Forge look great and the budgets are large. Maps are huge. But some more tools (ala Far Cry 2) would have been great. But more importantly is some game logic. They have a LOT of MP rules to adjust but a simple, "If / Then" system would be awesome. "If A is captures, B becomes capturable."

* No Forging Fire Fight maps. :(

* Real MSAA. I can live with just-shy-of-HD. I can live with the filtering shown. But real AA, not temporal, would have been nice.

* Higher online MP cap. I want a BF clone in the Haloverse!!! Dedicated servers while you're at it! But seriously, I have a 20Mb connection (10Mb upstream). If I want 24-32 players in a custom match pleeeease let me! Some basic squad tools would be nice too.

* On those squad controls... they are having HUGE battles. One thing about Spartan lore is they are commanding units. I don't want GRAW, but a basic ROSE to select a unit/group and tell them to group/spreadout/fallback/attack would be nice. Telling all my guys to flanks from the left and using cloak to go to the right would be too sweet!

But yes, so far very impressive. I wish it came out 2 months ago. There have been 2 games I have paused on getting because I know once Reach comes I won't be playing anything for a while.

So, constructively, what are things people would have liked to see in Reach that are not included? Little things or big things ...
Native keyboard and mouse support. :) Having to use the joypad or buying some contraption to use with keyboard and mouse is the one major barrier to me getting Live Gold to play online with everyone.

Native keyboard and mouse support. :) Having to use the joypad or buying some contraption to use with keyboard and mouse is the one major barrier to me getting Live Gold to play online with everyone.


It isn't native, but close enough :p