Halo: Reach

Like we noted last week, the process was a bit different this time around. The multiplayer spaces were still constructed separately by a team of trained multiplayer experts, but as each arena came online they were subsequently passed over to the campaign team and injected into the game in progress as small portions of much larger campaign missions (which should explain the information coming out of X10 last week).
Sounds more like MP integrated into other SP-only areas.

Looks like a great breakdown. By the looks of it A+. Bungie has kept true to the essentials while really evolved the gameplay design, mechanics, etc to present a fresh look on a proven core.

Not revolutionary (i.e. those who hate Halo need not apply) but definably a new game and, for those who like Halo, this is building on one of the best MP experiences and making it new.

Definitely more than a fresh coat of paint on this one.
The expanding crosshairs will be a big help for me. The lack of it makes the shooting in Halo MP difficult for me. I never know where my spread it but with a visual cue like that I alteast will know when I can/n't fire.
great breakdown in that vid... thanks

Invasion sounds like rush mode form BC2 and the new 3D and game variants look incredibly sweet. It looks poised to regain the Online crown for a while IMO
Ok Bungie, you are listening to Critics... so Custom Game browser MUST be in. PERIOD!! You hear me? :(

Some more MP rules, especially in terms of scoring, would be great as well.
Wow, I've never been so......wrong.:smile:

Not sure you're wrong...

Kotaku said:
The section of the map we are viewing is called Powerhouse, it's a multiplayer map, but as with all of Reach's multiplayer maps, it will fit contextually in with the single player campaign. When you run through this map on your own, in the game, it will be night. That's unfortunate, because you'll probably miss all of those desert flowers, and maybe you won't notice the quality of the water running through the camp or the dam that checks its flow.


IGN said:
One of the maps that will be included in the beta is called Powerhouse, and Bungie closed the demo with a quick run-through of the map. It's a large, asymmetrical space centered on a hydroelectric power station. This, like all of the Halo: Reach multiplayer maps, is pulled from a campaign area. The twist, it seems, is that the campaign section will likely take place during the night while the multiplayer map is set during the day.


Xbox360Achievements.org said:
So the multiplayer maps are campaign maps now and vice versa? Does that say something about the sandbox nature? Which comes first? Multiplayer maps that work in single player or single player maps that work in multiplayer?

ML: It’s a good question. We take multiplayer very seriously; we actually have higher standards of really finessed gameplay within the (multiplayer) environment and we scrutinise those areas tremendously. Now we’ve taken that across the board for Reach. Every space within Reach has that type of scrutiny applied to it. The multiplayer maps as a result are integrated into the campaign and have that level of scrutiny applied to them so they play excellently and it’s really important for us to light them well, to make them play well for that multiplayer action players expect to see.


Looks like they all heard the same speech, but all digested it slightly differently.

Tommy McClain
Looks like they all heard the same speech, but all digested it slightly differently.

Tommy McClain

Yeah there was just confusion among the press as to how the maps were constructed. The multiplayer maps are part of the single player maps everyone got.

Where some got confused was thinking the single player maps were the multiplayer maps with perhaps different time of day and object placement, and thus the multiplayer maps were just derived from the single player.

But in reality. The multiplayer maps are just a smaller part of the single player mission which were designed first and the incorporated into the single player maps.

Or perhaps the multiplayer maps were made and then that was used as a seed for the singleplayer maps they were incorporated into.

For design and balance reasons MP > SP. You wouldn't take a SP set piece and toss it into MP and hope to achieve any semblance of balance and flow. Not to mention SP you run through once or twice while a MP map is played hundreds of times. Bungie is very anal retentive concerning their MP maps (e.g. angles you can be shot from, flow, distances, foliage cover, etc) hence there is no way story mode props would just be repurposed for MP. Makes a lot more sense to take a MP map, like a power station MP map, and plunk it down in the SP narrative.
I wasn't that impressed with the initial Reach reveal, but I got to admit that I am getting more and more hyped with each new vidoc.

Josh, that vid breakdown was pretty cool. It reminds me of the ones that Luke Smith used to do when he was at 1UP. I wish more sites would post their interpretations of the vidocs -- very entertaining to watch.
Several do. IGN usually does (it's called Rewind Theater I think, and they do it for many games.)

However that YT video seemed better to me than IGN's when I watched both a while back.

IGN actually did a really good one for the Reach VGA awards teaser. They were pointing out things I never would have noticed.

But here's IGN's for the Reach multiplayer trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHcHwH0MIhk
But I digress. Has anybody confirmed exactly what Active Roster is? Has there been any mention of clan support? And is the arena just firefight but this time with matchmaking?

Does Spartan vs Elite carry over to all of matchmaking? What I'm getting at is that I'd love to play a swat playlist that's all spartans and all the elites can have their own cheating playlist ;). Bungie swears there's no difference between spartan and elite, yet all the high rank swat players are elites... and nobody plays elites in professional gaming....

And this one has me curious, but maybe I shouldn't be. When the multiplayer vid launched, it was through Bungie's media player. Have they ever posted vids through their media player that are not from Halo 3's theater mode? If not, did we see theater mode 2.0 and not realize it?

From what i think and other think this aswell is that there are two main playlists. Invasion and arena, invasion focuses on Elites vs spartans this is more for the casual players so to say. Then you have Arena where the competitive and hardcore players fit in the best Red vs Blue team like the olden days in halo.

Who knows maybe Active roster is the Clan playlist.
Do hope bungie give the forge crowd a good map making tools maybe if they are really lucky something like Farcry 2 map editor. Because he its their last halo for probably a long time they wanted to focus on their new Ip.

Yea, that video breakdown said it likely meant matchmaking for clans.

I don't think they'd introduce mid game player joins, would play havoc with their trueskill rankings etc.

And if it was only for the social playlists it would be too small a change to deserve a billing in the MP reveal trailer.