Zangeki no Reginliev

Took them long enough, but finally someone else other than WiiSports Resort has figured out how to do sword fighting controls on the Wii. It also took Nintendo long enough to figure out how to release demos... for rent... for free... It's a start.

Check out the weapons.


How you'll look playing the game.

Too bad Capcom couldn't figure out how to do this for Monster Hunter 3. Maybe this will set the example for all future motion based combat.
Have you tried the game yourself ? Is it tiring after a while ?

How does it compare to the traditional control for Monster Hunter ? (I'm asking because I was told Demon's Souls borrowed from MH's combat mechanics, so it must be good).
Sorry, that's not me playing. It's just a bunch of videos I found. I don't even have a Wii. Some people are calling this Monster Hunter 3 done right.

Looking at the off screen video seems pretty easy to me. I play Muscle March like crazy at a friend's place and I wasn't tired at all, so I'm guessing this won't be too bad either. The guy's playing with his arms resting and simple motions.
Gameplay has been described as "Norse Earth Defence Force", which is not surprising considering the game is made by Sandlot.
The tutorial I posted isn't the full thing. You can slice in other directions too. I don't know why the guy kept slicing left and right, but you can slice upwards to knock enemies into the air. I mean, seriously, I don't think anyone who plays this game is going to be a master sword fighter. What other kind of slices besides the 8 directions do you know?
The tutorial I posted isn't the full thing. You can slice in other directions too. I don't know why the guy kept slicing left and right, but you can slice upwards to knock enemies into the air. I mean, seriously, I don't think anyone who plays this game is going to be a master sword fighter. What other kind of slices besides the 8 directions do you know?

8 directions can produce much more slicing variations than just 8. Just look at how many slices a DMC or Ninja Gaiden has :p
Woah (hang on), let's see some more impressions. Is there a good link I can check out for more info ?
8 directions can produce much more slicing variations than just 8. Just look at how many slices a DMC or Ninja Gaiden has :p

Yeah, but those games are you controlling a skilled sword user. This, the sword user IS YOU. The sword reacts to our abilities, not the predetermined abilities of the character.

Woah, let's see some more impressions. Is there a good link I can check out for more info ?

Sorry, still no info. Looks fine from the videos. BTW, the video of the guy in front of the TV is actually WITHOUT Motion+. I'm as excited about this game as you are. This game has already solidify my resolve to get a Wii. I love sword action games.

Here are some more videos, though.

The character armor uses EMBM too from what we can see in this clip.
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Well, they need to show a close-up capture with Wiimote+. Show the hands and the video at the same time. It's hard to visualize otherwise.
Ok, here's what I know so far.

Boy and girl characters are different. They have their own weapons unique to each other. The girl can use magic weapons. See the tutorial videos I posted. I also posted part 1. You'll see the player messing around with the sword controls.

The game has like 100 different types of upgrades for the 7 or 8 basic weapons.

The giant heavy weapons will have a delay in the motion due to how heavy they are. The Giant Blade and Hammer are those weapons. Arrows and magic work like a third person shooter.
Why didn't anyone make a comment on the graphics in this they? They seems to be using some pretty nice texture effects which are rarely used in Wii games at all and you can get more than like 40 individual entities on screen at once with big draws distances, grass, destructible environmental objects and the ability to sever enemy body parts.It even carries into multiplayer.

When I look at games like this on the Wii and then look at games like COD Black Ops it makes me sad.

Why do so few developers put in this kind of effort? It makes no sense when small companies with small budgets can do this and big companies produce Hot Pursuit Wii and Ghost Recon Wii.