It's silly of you to assume that merely because you're hearing a dissenting opinion it has to be about bitterness.
Considering the sum which you consider insignificant is around 5-10 times the amount of money the majority of people on this planet has to live on for an entire year puts things into a somewhat different perspective perhaps.
Fact is you did put out a fair chunk of change on what is in all fairness a rather frivolous item. That you can (easily) afford it doesn't change that basic assessment.
Now.. Did you post about your ring purchase to be cheered, admired and patted on the back orwas it so that people can comment and give you their true opinions?
While I agree with you that 3000 is alot of money and that a ring, or anything material shouldnt be needed to prove how much you love someone (afterall, if your a poor bum even 50bucks could mean alot while a million dollar ring can still mean nothing if the buyer is a very rich guy). But as others said woman just like you spending alot of money on them. And if Albuquerque has the money then why not spend it on a ring? its a good looking ring and im sure his girl will be happy with it so I guess in his eyes that makes it worth it. I guess in some way its a good thing he doesnt save costs or trouble to get the ring he wants.