Your thoughts on non-diamond engagement ring?

It's silly of you to assume that merely because you're hearing a dissenting opinion it has to be about bitterness.

Considering the sum which you consider insignificant is around 5-10 times the amount of money the majority of people on this planet has to live on for an entire year puts things into a somewhat different perspective perhaps.

Fact is you did put out a fair chunk of change on what is in all fairness a rather frivolous item. That you can (easily) afford it doesn't change that basic assessment.

Now.. Did you post about your ring purchase to be cheered, admired and patted on the back orwas it so that people can comment and give you their true opinions? :cool:


While I agree with you that 3000 is alot of money and that a ring, or anything material shouldnt be needed to prove how much you love someone (afterall, if your a poor bum even 50bucks could mean alot while a million dollar ring can still mean nothing if the buyer is a very rich guy). But as others said woman just like you spending alot of money on them. And if Albuquerque has the money then why not spend it on a ring? its a good looking ring and im sure his girl will be happy with it so I guess in his eyes that makes it worth it. I guess in some way its a good thing he doesnt save costs or trouble to get the ring he wants.
Hmmm. Isn't there a certain level of irony here about people complaining about spending such a sum on a 'frivolous' item when this whole forum is dedicated to spending large sums of money on what are basically frivolous items made from sand.

Each to their own. The OP was after an opinion of the ring, not of the morals behind it's purchase. The ring will certainly hold it's value a damn sight better than a GeForce 8800GTX, that's for certain.
Hmmm. Isn't there a certain level of irony here about people complaining about spending such a sum on a 'frivolous' item when this whole forum is dedicated to spending large sums of money on what are basically frivolous items made from sand.

Each to their own. The OP was after an opinion of the ring, not of the morals behind it's purchase. The ring will certainly hold it's value a damn sight better than a GeForce 8800GTX, that's for certain.

No kidding. "What a waste of money!" *Person proceeds to play a video game on their new 8800GTX* Talk about frivolous... at least the ring will lead to social interaction... haha.
No kidding. "What a waste of money!" *Person proceeds to play a video game on their new 8800GTX* Talk about frivolous... at least the ring will lead to social interaction... haha.

LOL, glad someone caught on.

Frivolous is in the eye of the beholder -- houses, cars, even clothes can be "frivolous" depending on your definition. Someone on this planet only earns 1/10th of what I paid for this ring? Well, I bet every person replying to this thread has spent more on energy bills to completely obliterate the cost of this shiny gravel. And on what? Frivolous lightbulbs? Frivolous micrwaves heating up frivolous hot chocolate?

And yeah, I call whining about the monetary ethics of a $3000 ring bitterness indeed. There are less expensive ones to be sure, but there are a far greater number of more-expensive ones.
Don't post a picture of the ring, post a picture of her. Then we can take a vote how much you should spend :)
Just kidding. Get whatever she likes. I never got the hype about super expensive engagement rings. Must be an American thing. Here in Germany it doesn't seem to be very common. What do I know, the only piece of jewellery I ever bought for a woman (girl more like) was a set of earrings worth approximately €50. I got me laid for the rest of our three year relationship. No questions asked.
The quickest route to mind blowing sex is through the door of Tiffany & Co. Just in my experience. Sure it may not be the cheapest but seeing the looks of awe on women's faces is well worth it.

You don't even have to get something ridiculously expensive, I bought one of my ex's a $400 silver necklace that was on the lower end of what they have to offer. Countless older women( I was about 20 at the time) were commenting on how pretty it was, etc. while I was in the store paying for it.

As soon as they pull out that turquoise box and see the name, you will know you made a good choice.

Back on topic: That is a very tasteful ring, not overly frilly. I love the contrast between the blue sapphire and the white gold. I won't be getting my fiancé a diamond ring either, I'll prolly go with Moissanite or some ideally colored Alexandrite. That's provided I find a suitable woman first of course! Anyway congratulations, and that is a very pretty ring.
One thing about non-diamond gemstone rings that I found out the hard way: one huge upshot to being the hardest naturally occurring substance is scratch-resistance. Other stones, when worn daily, are much more likely to get scratches and lose their luster.
If I was going to get a diamond ring at all, it would be an synthetic one. The price of diamonds is so artificially inflated that I refuse to buy natural ones. Personally, I think $100/carat is a reasonable price for a flawless diamond of any colour. However, it'll probably be a while before the De Beers monopoly degrades to that point.
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Nice ring... just hope she doesn't vist B3D regularly heh...

Sapphire is pretty resistent to scratches.... what you see on most nice watch faces... never been able to scratch mine and I've tried pretty hard.
If you honestly believe it serves no purpose, then I submit that you are either (1) gay (2) unmarried or (3) have found a non-typical wife.

If you believe it does serve a purpose you're either (1) a wussy (2) married and wife-trained or (3) a typical wife has found you ;)

Seriously, if it has been a long-lasting, healthy relationship and you really wish to make a nice gift to your woman, that's fine. But not if it's a sort of bait (as most guys see it unfortunately, looking at that "Tiffany's will give you a great sex"-comment above :rolleyes: ).

And even then, 3 grands is way too much in my book, but then I don't know how wealthy (or "crazy in love") you are.
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i got married years ago, my ring was a beer can one, i know what youre thinking but this was a special can, a 1 liter DAB can (so quite expensive ~1.50DM).
the thing is she lost it sometime later

Now that's a really nice story and IMO you're The Man here :)
Er, late to this party so haven't seen the whole discussion (frankly it's not really my sort of topic) but my GF saw the thread title over my shoulder and blurted out "Tell that guy no!" I then clicked the link and she said rather sheepishly... "Wow..." - I think I saw a little bit of drool too.

Now she's blabbering about yellow diamonds and all sorts... Thanks a lot! :)
Er, late to this party so haven't seen the whole discussion (frankly it's not really my sort of topic) but my GF saw the thread title over my shoulder and blurted out "Tell that guy no!" I then clicked the link and she said rather sheepishly... "Wow..." - I think I saw a little bit of drool too.

Now she's blabbering about yellow diamonds and all sorts... Thanks a lot! :)

LOL! Sorry ;)