Your Nick - How did you get your online nick?

the 'unleashed-kid-in-a-sweetshop' effect of going online for the first time...
when kids get that sort of Spaceman Spiff determination about them...
there's a Sebadoh song* on "The Freed Man" which starts with a sample that makes me laugh; some kid proclaiming something like "I HAVE TOTAL POWER. ALL THE ELEMENTS ARE UNDER MY COMPLETE CONTROL!" [could i find it?!... damn near wrecked my stylus trying to]

*that's probably not technically the correct terminology for anything on that particular record ;)
I was going for something witty when I thought up my screen name. I think I failed, but that was the starting point.

I wanted something that was quirky, and one of the first things that came to my mind was 3d-debutante. However, 3d-debutante immediately brough to mind either Southern belles (and I'm not a belle) or something dirty (or both!), so that was nixed.

I didn't want to get some overly dorky and arrogant name like PixelMaster, PolygonPunisher, Kingof3d or something, so I settled on what in hindsight could be categorized as dandified pretention.

I was also trying to be cute with the combination of the d in 3d and dilettante, but that also failed. :cry:
break it up you two - not the right thread!

I made my nick up from whole cloth on day, becasue i used to use either "paladin" or "strider", and they were always taken.
So i made up something totally unique.
im often suprised by how unique sytaylor is, since there are no shortage of people with either the name simon and or taylor..
I've always had a tough time coming up with names. I picked this one for no particular reason at all, first used at Rage3d and then nvnews. I got it from the old Scooby Doo cartoons and leeted it up by capitalizing "K". This was before those terrible movies came out.

Now, I usually use the name "HighPlainsDrifter" or some variant. It's not as stupid or immature sounding. I've stayed with "ZoinKs!" here just because I've already been using it for a long time.
Zoinks is definately better. It says "lighthearted and free spirit", HighPlainsDrifter says "pretentious-wanna be light hearted free spirit"

Either that or terribly nerdy D&D role player.
I went through a bunch the usual pseudo-evil, wannabe tough online-names since I entered the first mailbox/chat-bbs at the age of 12 or so. A few years later I was actively playing Quakeworld and was pretty involved in the small but growing German clan scene... and I found myself surrounded by Supakillahs, iCEMaNs, FRAGgODs, etc.

I decided not to advertize my l33tness anymore because it began to dawn to me how silly that was. So I decided to pick a random sequence of characters with no meaning at all. I hit my keyboard with the flat hand a couple of times, then deleted some characters and "L233" was all that was left. I kinda liked it. Short, easy to remember and neutral.

Problem is that nowadays many people assume it is some cryptic expression in l33t-sp34k. Maybe an L and two 3s weren't the best idea but I got kind of attached to L233 so I sticked with it.