But whoever takes those places you linked to seriously should be locked away in a mental asylum.
Why is that? Many of the linke they post as evidence for his fraud provide very sound reasoning behind their arguments.
Honestly i think anyone who who would read what you read and come to the same conclusions you did might need therapy.
How utterly devoid of any sense of humor, paranoid and insecure do you have to be to interpret (and that's a vital word, because Moore doesn't actually claim any of what they imply, its their own interpretation of what he shows in his movie) BfC this way:
The 75th Academy Awards® handed the Oscar® for "Best Documentary" to Michael Moore for Bowling for Columbine. Bowling is a nasty bit of anti-American propaganda. Viewers are taught that:
Why should they share other's sense of humor? Paranoid?

Some of their thoughts on the dangers of Michael Moore are exaggerations. I didn't post these links with you caring to read such material in mind. You are free to ignore it.
They provide valid reasons why Michael Moore is completely dishonest. Why then should anyone find his documentaries funny? They don't have a solid foundation in truth.
America was founded on violence and fear, as quarrelsome pilgrims fled to the new world, where their paranoia led them to massacre the Indians, then the British, and then each other;
The exact same thing can be said of Germany. Your historical barbarism, extreme xenophobia, desire to massarce jews etc have led your country to al ong history of violence.
Are you sure you aren't one of Moore propaganda junkies?
The Columbine murderers' violence might have its roots in the fact that one had a father in our military (American soldiers are presumably murderers, and it must rub off on their kids) or that there was a defense contractor in the area;
Oh come on. this is absurd. How on earth could anyone come to such conclusions? Having a father in the military equates becoming a violent murderer? American soldiers are murderers?
Defense contractor? It was Lockheed Martin. They develope mainly rockets for launching satelites at that facility.
Charlton Heston (one of Hollywood's few upstanding men) is a callous fool;
The terrorist attack on 9/11 is related to past American foreign policy -- in short, America's own fault;
IMO this whole thing tells us more about the people who wrote this complaint than it does about the movie. Its bias is worse than anything that's in the movie and an intro that badly written shouldn't be right on top of the front page, it reflects badly upon the whole site IMO.
How is he a callous fool? Did you even bother to read exactly how moore doctored what Heston said?
How is there a bias in the comment they made Gollum? I don't see it? If you bothered to read the links(
http://www.hardylaw.net/Truth_About_Bowling.html) You may have noticed a mumber of them discuss exactly moore did with Hestons speaches.
How is rejecting what Moore did an obvious admittion of bias?
Its was the USs fault they were attacked? Gollum that statement is at the peak of absurdity. How could you equate any one of the exagerated comments concerning the dangers of Michael Moore to be on par or more ridiculous than this?
As for the campaign itself, that's something else. If some of the issues that are brought up about Moore not sticking to the rules for documentaries turn out to be true then it certainly should be looked into.
holywood has avoided doing so entirely. Not to mention moore himself isn't willing to discuss this.
Moorewatch seems to be a better site overall, but even there I couldn't really find much truly insightfull information about what makes Moore such a hideous monster as they claim him to be. Maybe a lot more searching their archives will help. Meanwhile, lets have a look at their introducion:
You really didn't bother to read any of the supporting links did you?
"MOOREWATCH is dedicated to unearthing the truth behind the doublespeak and falsehood that spews from the mouth (and keyboard) of Michael Moore on a regular basis. ... so far so good, never hurts to keep an eye on things ... Moore is a disingenuous danger to this country, ... whoa, wait a second. Disingenuous danger to the country? I mean disagree with his ideals and dislike his work as much as you want, but what the heck makes him a danger to the country any more than anybody else in politics or the media for that matter? They're all lying pricks! But then again the US are at war, question is, is the front really in Iraq or rather at home?

They might be exaggerating even in their own minds. However this doesn't change the truth behind their claims. Plenty of people in all the supporting links have argued against Moore claims and have provided a world of substantive evidence. You may disagree with something said on moorewatch but to call this all insanity is a bit stupid. Of course this rest on your capacity to judge truth from fiction.
Seems to you are centering your judgements around only one webpage. Is this your attempt to justify ignoring the other cites and the information held within? that doesn't seem to reasonable gollum.
i didn't post those links to provide people with their incite into the "dangers" of moore. I posted them to provide links to critiques of moores work. There are plenty of them there. You are free to ignore what you perceive to be paranoid exaggeration. However pay attention to places such as
http://www.hardylaw.net/Truth_About_Bowling.html that provide long lists of moore's fictious claims.