XP vs 98 game performance ..newbie question.

Dang it LB, "Yes. :)" is copyrighted by the Digicorp! :oops:

As for the question, XP does game better with a gig of ram in a lot of the newer games. Older ones you won't see much of a difference, but the FarCry/Doom3 type will be a noticeable boost. With 512mb you get stuttering, with a gig ya don't.

I think I was one of the last 98se die-hards, and it was hard for me to give it up and jump to XP....but 98's days were past. Too many games just required you to have XP and the support for 98 was starting to seriously lag.

I don't miss it is the sad thing, XP has been pretty good to me.
win98 is 5 - 20 % faster. i've got a dual boot configuration(athlonxp2400, 1gig,9700pro) and am testing every game a play (mostly shooter and other graphic demanding titles) if possible. problem is that in the last time more and more games don't support win98 well (like doom3) but i recommend using win98 as long as possible.
christian1 said:
win98 is 5 - 20 % faster. i've got a dual boot configuration(athlonxp2400, 1gig,9700pro) and am testing every game a play (mostly shooter and other graphic demanding titles) if possible. problem is that in the last time more and more games don't support win98 well (like doom3) but i recommend using win98 as long as possible.

Ahh... this is more what the truth will be then. I've yet to install XP on my configuration. (hopefully it will be tomorrow.) I want to see that disparity for myself.

Soon enough though Win98 will not be supported by MS anymore and the system OS and memory upgrade will be unavoidable. Win2000 and XP are doing too much fucking shit in the background, probably intentionally, to encourage hardware upgrading. Fucking shits..
I think its better to just get a rig with a CPU that is pretty much MMX and ISSE 1 compliant at somewhere around 1.4 to 1.7Ghz with a chipset that trully takes advantage of the cpu, 384MB or 256MB ram, 30GB HDD and a Dx6 or Dx7 class graphics card for separate use to install Win98se.

The best way to install Win98se is reformating the HDD to Fat32 on another pc and then just run the Win98se clean instal and you are all set.

That is just my opinion though as that is what I do.

I have my main system with all the power for WinXP and then I have the maximum separate system for Win98se mainly because I have WinXP in one system and Win98 and 2000 in another.

Older games like Slave Zero don't seem to run on WinXP and other older than 2001 games run much faster in Win98se even if you install Dx9c.

What I also found was that some games ran very slow in Win2000 and XP and that is why I believe its better to do it that way since if you have a Voodoo card and the latest ATI or Nvidia card you can use them both fine in separate systems.